Post-deadline traded stakes should be out of the question, both buy and sell. We can use NXT blockchain records to ascertain this.
Post-deadline traded stakes should be out of the question, both buy and sell. We can use NXT blockchain records to ascertain this.
How do you feel about stakes that have not been traded post deadline ? Because this is what I'm actually suggesting.
If it is this contentious then don't give them their stakes. Poloniex can get their 30 stakes back with temporarily higher fees and it'll be daytraders and bots paying for it. It'll be up to Poloniex to figure out how to get the traffic and thus the fees. Why should 100% of the marketing rest with the core team (5 people) and Lon? For NEM to succeed it needs more than 6 people.
If it is this contentious then don't give them their stakes. Poloniex can get their 30 stakes back with temporarily higher fees and it'll be daytraders and bots paying for it. It'll be up to Poloniex to figure out how to get the traffic and thus the fees. Why should 100% of the marketing rest with the core team (5 people) and Lon? For NEM to succeed it needs more than 6 people.
I have no idea where this came from but this is the second time I'm reading this today. Poloniex doesn't have 30 stakes. Who came up with that number ?
I'd like to clarify one or two things about Poloniex's position here. First of all, neither Poloniex nor anyone at Poloniex invested $17,000 in NEM. I personally own 1 NEMstake, and MobyDick owns 0.5. The $17,000 is minimum estimate I made based on the number of NEMstake that have gone unclaimed.
Thanks for clarifying this! That should help to understand that everybody who says "If you now allow late redeeming for NXT AE NEMstake assets, you only do this because of Poloniex" is a troll.
As I understand it, there are several more people who tried to redeem, but did not do it correctly, and would not receive their shares if the deadline were enforced. I am not sure if anyone is actually suggesting enforcing the deadline so strictly as to shut those people out as well, but that would be unconscionable.
Obviously, the communication about the deadline never reached them, and I don't think it's fair to blame them for that, no matter how many times the announcement was posted on the forums. I think it is perfectly reasonable for someone to read about the project, decide it's a good investment, then buy some NEMstake with the intention of sitting on it until they see it on an exchange.
To mean, promising to shut people out doesn't make it any more right to shut people out.
I agree. No matter what was decided before, this is true.
It seems there was a lot of confusion and miscommunication, even internally, about this entire matter, and many agree that it was not handled well. I do not see the sense in throwing the word "promise" around and forcing NEM to stick to a bad decision.
[...] the only other objection I'm seeing is that it would not be fair to people who dumped their NEMstake on unsuspecting buyers on the AE. I have no sympathy for those people whatsoever -- it is obviously immoral to sell something you know is worthless to a buyer who is unaware that it is worthless.
Yes, I again agree 100 %.
The bigger problem there is the people who bought. I recommend allowing these people to redeem, though I think that is less important than allowing people who bought earlier to redeem.
No, if they bought after the deadline -> definitely no. In the NEMstake asset description it clearly says "Please read about NEM, NEMstake token and the conversion rules in our dedicated thread before buying NEMstake.". If you don't follow the instructions, you can't expect anybody to change the rules for you.
Dear patmast3r,
I am a Chinese early investor and run a large community in China.Because the NEM is fair and equal, so I still focus on NEM and I have been working on NEM.Unfortunately,I heard a bad news yesterday that developers intend to extend the AE redemption.So I strong disagree it!!!
It is clear that the deadline on AE has been set since Feb 26.Why you change the deadline again and again?Do you think that all of the investors like children?
If you think that people who bought NEMstake on AE after deadline are important,so how do think people who purchased NEMstake with over 80000NXT?where is fairness what you promised?Is there any different with other coins?I even think that it is more unfair than other coins!!!
All the time, NEM as a fair coin attract many people.So I hope NEM developer team reconsider my decision. Do not kill NEM and its community.
This is insane, we should treat "missing" AE people the same way as with BTT people, so give them two more months for redemption after launch.
Have anyone send any notification to guys from polo, that redemption ends?
I'd like to hear some community voices (so not: rockethead, makoto, kodty - no offence guys) before any decission will be made.
as usual, gimre has best solution
(((now i'm thinking to buy stake on nxt AE :D )))
I have one solution;
last price was 99000 NXT
-give everybody (that buy NEMstake after deadline), but put buy order before deadline) stakes based on this formula: paid amount/99000 stakes
for example:
someone buy stakes for 28000 nxt after deadline -> he gets 28000/99000 = 0,28 original stakes coins (0,28*8999999/4000)
someone buy 0,1stakes for 2100 nxt after deadline -> he gets 2100/99000 = 0,02 original stakes coins (0,02*8999999/4000)
Only problem is you need divide stakes to 1/100
everybody will calm down
We have been very active in the telegram chat and a lot of people agree on this solution:
[img width=800 height=542][/img]
Exactly what I had in mind.
The telgram crowd is really cool with this solution ? It seems that at least the chinese portion is still after me.
@Ronel: How does the Chinese community feel about this solution?
We have been very active in the telegram chat and a lot of people agree on this solution:
[img width=800 height=542][/img]
I agree with this solution
Woah… Everyone's In agreement? Wow lol
Woah.... Everyone's In agreement? Wow lol
I don't agree. This looks really stupid.
Actually i'd make one correction. I would not give someone who sold NEMStake anything no matter if the sell order was place before or after the deadline. IMHO that doesn't make any sense.
What do you disagree with? Any particular part or all of it?
What do you disagree with? Any particular part or all of it?
Everything. It's like there was a scheduled competitive exam and people missed it. So they are asking "Could I reappear?" No, If you miss a competitive exam you have to wait for a whole year again to appear for it. In this case there is only one launch, so they should not be allowed.
I'm not against people getting a stake. But I just think that if the decision makers don't stand by their announcements and decisions, no matter how strong a team is, it is bound to break.
And why go through all this "People who bought a Nemstake before the Deadline & People who bought a stake after the deadline." bullshit. Why should extra man hours be put into it? These are people who don't care about NEM and would have played with the AE for eternity if they had been given the time.
We have been very active in the telegram chat and a lot of people agree on this solution:
[img width=800 height=542][/img]
I agree with this solution
To be frank, I think this solution is reasonable, obviously it is better.
Actually i'd make one correction. I would not give someone who sold NEMStake anything no matter if the sell order was place before or after the deadline. IMHO that doesn't make any sense.
If the sell order was placed before the deadline, it was probably just forgotten. So these people should be treated in the same way as we treat people, who forgot their buy orders -> They got very few NXT for their sell, just because they forgot the sell order / missed the 2 weeks time window for deadline information => we should treat the trade as "not happened" => they pay the community fund the amount of NXT they got from the deal => we give them a stake according to the asset they had before the trade ("trade did not happen").
-> I think it is unfair to let these people have disadvantages (low price sell because assets got worthless), but others who did exactly the same mistake (missed the information about the deadline and didnt delete buy orders) get help from us.
The thing is: We were not able to shut down trades on NXT AE (which sucks hardore). So we can just do it that way.
We have been very active in the telegram chat and a lot of people agree on this solution:
[img width=800 height=542][/img]
Seems the right move to make.
We have been very active in the telegram chat and a lot of people agree on this solution:
[img width=800 height=542][/img]
I also support this solution. It seems very fair to me.