Open Alpha Starts Now

    [li]in headless mode, you can use provided script (python 2.7), it requires requests lib: (on debian based distro it should be in python-requests package)[/li]

There's no script in 0.0.75

Is there another way to boot authomatically at start?

There should be a file in the package folder.
If you put your private key as nis.bootkey and set nis.shouldBootWithoutAck to true NIS should use the priv key to boot autom. with that account.


How it happens, I'm harvesting all blocks in the row and have the same amount of NEM? Updated to 0.0.75


How it happens, I'm harvesting all blocks in the row and have the same amount of NEM? Updated to 0.0.75

If there are no tx in a block then there are no fees to harvest.
If you tell me the blocks you harvested and your address I can make sure that's what's happening.


How it happens, I'm harvesting all blocks in the row and have the same amount of NEM? Updated to 0.0.75

If there are no tx in a block then there are no fees to harvest.
If you tell me the blocks you harvested and your address I can make sure that's what's happening.

Harvested blocks 44458- 44482. Maybe I'm on fork? My account # TAZUHL-TXN2LN-ZNIYAN-LYFJVK-CROXKJ-PPRXGD-5FJT

i Harvested 25 Blocks and earned 0.00 NEM Fees  :o e.g Block# 54386 Block #54247

i Harvested 25 Blocks and earned 0.00 NEM Fees  :o e.g Block# 54386 Block #54247

That strange. What is the real last block in blockchain? Seems I'm and you are on the fork. Did blockchain is reset? Or I miss something?

i Harvested 25 Blocks and earned 0.00 NEM Fees  :o e.g Block# 54386 Block #54247

That strange. What is the real last block in blockchain? Seems I'm and you are on the fork. Did blockchain is reset? Or I miss something? just checked now and i am on a current blockchain. All the blocks which i harvested are with Transactions:0  ???

i Harvested 25 Blocks and earned 0.00 NEM Fees  :o e.g Block# 54386 Block #54247

That strange. What is the real last block in blockchain? Seems I'm and you are on the fork. Did blockchain is reset? Or I miss something? just checked now and i am on a current blockchain. All the blocks which i harvested are with Transactions:0  ???

My last harvested block:

Block #44499 Aug 06, 2014 23:09:27 e9dd08ad78e1cc0d64b4558163af22f7885b482b0c7b51a15b7004da341695f0 0.0

Where I am? Devs?

Sorry, had to generate new key for signing standalone:

<br />-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----<br />Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (GNU/Linux)<br /><br />mQMuBFPilrgRCAD60APx4YdQgGQN9WIyfKObuRDs/WLydG+AdejAyvL4NCLjhi6k<br />T7/Zu4ORUoYb6o2U+fi7cOhl7JOkAnArlO6qtKo0N005X/M6N1NeN6Sv9TXFp6GN<br />hsbOPRUactByxQCJeFIX8KtoKfZngmpKHvr7Si1hVSkQwbIg7t5nK/lBkbUOhVaj<br />8p9fwENAFhY1fx8XsSl563RyguMFI6MZ0TpfcuC3dUrBVb5gHJtJyYT45TIooTv0<br />0AnvTVlneYgzjZpvoYcypf9Nj5C79aJJVlvxbFpw4DmAiue0EwwYDij8ulQ9lE+h<br />gSbm3tPHxm8jTBd0PHvffPEcxX44XXJVPOwnAQDzrrkaq1Nl2/Ucxl4NE2x0EoEP<br />Dji0Fm+X5wRRMejoRQgA6XgCFB3MkEuOq1UVn7CGbzO0g8g/ZCUtC4WC/SzgSNKD<br />8euMVfYOpCl0a9eLMjyIXTHWhhmw/JSntvRXOPah19tFMIX4qmNjtqdbO76zY5qc<br />bihvNgH+hJCN1w6XvbecyOUeBQU7bKUBP6I5kaA3CDrK9wkPE6AldUXK7vb9DUs/<br />cOkb5gdD4/VlSoovfeIBXD5YKnPfW+uJSUjJOHgGldBB0wa8WUc5Nves7so3hlil<br />qBBJNot16BjEhA5EOhe3PPuNCLAxey8cem8HyT8FjhZpmnvYWtFM8LWmqCj8Z/sL<br />NjzK21mWJ3TozMRrtdBo1VZJFDt91dQGH5Kvkem8lAf+IJE6mFci4huhSoZCyxpR<br />MBiJHfVlc/MdokcqkVz4fRWEPl9Me+sHm7Yyh8nxJ53VQZoeIsAbO5lrwNXrRs/j<br />YdeH+iJ4eY3rJaxQNZFwsNK97ykKxSB7SDnUs/HHNrqcAZkBme4NlG+Bxg+IZ196<br />pEpruiarwwn2dxYfVhITj4zpjUH6FcU8cwd0ZdB1ZWQFJM9tGdyg1qm2ifkBo9SY<br />RnphvT10HNFf9cmbYtuOcLkrWNfLxF/i2PvOrfdqz7SPS3urEX927IO+/5Q5WLXj<br />jtV92agg67Z52fzsNHkL4vdFJ9ewBqCsBmlfpnayFOVdaJA8LxLbPLq7C7BRX+sX<br />kbQ0Z2ltcmUgKE5FTSAtIE5ldyBFY29ub215IE1vdmVtZW50KSA8Z2ltcmVAMTI3<br />LjAuMC4xPoiABBMRCAAoBQJT4pa4AhsDBQkB4TOABgsJCAcDAgYVCAIJCgsEFgID<br />AQIeAQIXgAAKCRBjtUcTpGSUqTPnAQDljBDv2lt+vMJf54I17HoGG2Af6LRKMCgu<br />ALWQC4PndQEAxd/8mAujgsf4qt0thriyo+2ZHvgUtSkTgJ6y6wy9yYg=<br />=b9+f<br />-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----<br />

New Mandatory Alpha Build 0.1.2 Available - Blockchain Restart

Trying new release. Doesn't run neither one click nor standalone. Where all files of old version and of new version are storied? Windows 7. Want to delete everything and start from the scratch. Is old wallet file still valid with new version or I need to create new one?


what block we are at the moment?

what block we are at the moment?

:)  testnem  please  TD7GX4-QABJN7-BNLDAN-JCPXTB-EJRO25-HVHJ2C-HSCL      :slight_smile:

i am getting this error "NIS is not available"

Edit: well working after some time.

Need TestNem


@pol5, @Darkhorse: Send 1M to you both.

Please who can write a very simple instruction 'step by step' to check the downloaded file using PGP public key, for Windows. For the masses, that a rustic could do. And for me it will be helpful )
  1 which program is better to use
  2 what is the sequence of actions
  3 where to insert PGP PUBLIC KEY
  4 what to do with the file nis-ncc-0.1.2.tgz.sig
  5 etc

Please who can write a very simple instruction 'step by step' to check the downloaded file using PGP public key, for Windows. For the masses, that a rustic could do. And for me it will be helpful )

    [li]Download and install GPG for windows (it has user-friendly UI)[/li]
    [li]Copy my gpg certificate from OP, save it to some file[/li]
    [li]Download both .tgz and tgz.sig, put in the same dir[/li]
    [li]From installed gpg open up Kleopatra
    [list type=lower-alpha]
    [li]Import my certificate: File -> Import Certificates (change "File type" to all files if that's needed)

      [li]Optional, but will make things easier: Go to File -> New certificate, to generate your own certificate[/li]
      [li]In "Imported certificates" tab, right click on NEM certificate and do "Certify certificate"[/li]
      [li]Both nem certificate and your certificate should be visible in "Trusted certificates", as in screenshot below[/li]

      [li]Now you can validate files: File -> Decrypt/verify files, choose tgz file[/li]
      [li]It should show you that package was signed with NEM cert[/li]
