Question Symbol desktop wallet


I have a question about the Symbol desktop wallet.
At some point I have to choose my Opt-in account (where my xym balance is correct), but also I have to select an address to interact with. There are 10 addresses I can choose from, but which address I need to select?


Select the address that matches your opt-in account (it should be in the paper wallet).
Or you can wait until symbol launch (tomorrow) and then the right address will have a balance next to it.


Thanks for replying. I already see my opt-in account with my balance (covered on screenshot), but I have to select another address to interact with…

You have select:

  • all your optin accounts
  • at least one non opt-in account (you can choose first one)

It’s because optin accounts were generating using old curve and wallet will suggest you move coins to first address generated using new one.

Thank you, it works!

Ok Today is Symbol Launch. I did download Symbol Wallet and created my profile. What’s next? I do not see where I can transfer my OPT-in XYM from NEM Wallet to Symbol Wallet. Am I missing something? Your help would be great appreciated.

You have to import mnemonic you get during optin (not create new profile)

HI… whats the deal with the iOS wallet ? Will i need my recovery seed to access my XYM ?

where do you see mnemonic ? from NEM Wallet?

After I opt-in XYM on NEM Wallet, it only shows Address, Balance, Symbol Address, VRF Public key, and Balance to be included in Symbol. Nothing else.

You should have mnemonic (24 words).
Which was most important to backup.

Yeah but where do you see/get mnemonic?

I open NEM Wallet (Mac Desktop Verison) then click Services
I see Symbol Opt-in and I click on “Claim XYM and Namespaces with a Symbol Opt-In”
After that, I see Symbol doing OPT-IN process.
Then it shows my NEM Address, Balance, Symbol Address, no namespaces(i never want one), VRF public key and Balance to be included in Symbol.

Thats it. I do not see where I get my mnemonic.

I already verified my XYM on Symbol Address Checkup Link, but I would like to see it on Symbol Wallet or my Mobile Wallet.

I also have an issue. As I have opted in and included vrf keys for harvesting. It showed me a qr code for back up which I have and saved. But when I go to symbol on desktop there is no option to scan or upload qr code to import and restore the wallet. Also when I check in my nlNem wallet and click on symbol icon for opt in it keeps taking me to the page and displays. (OPT IN has finished., please update our wallet to get the latest. The happens when I open the symbol app on my mobile. Will this change ans show my Xym balance automatically when the launch is complete? How can I use the QR code to import wallet to desktop?

During opt-in you received 24 word mnemonic along with VRF and public address.

Check this video

Okay, during my opt-in (on Mac Desktop), I never get 24 word mnemonic. It only shows VRF and public address. thats it.

So I thought I have to set up Symbol Wallet on my iOS and got 24 word mnemonic … Do I use that 24 word mnemonic from Symbol Mobile Wallet on Symbol Desktop Wallet?

I tested 24 word mnemonic from iOS wallet on Symbol Desktop Wallet. It does not work.
I guess I have to wait for Symbol’s Launch.

I did this process via the symbol app. But now I need to add the my wallet to the desktop wallet but I only have the QR code? What can I do?

You should have 24 words. You just did not backup it. Without it, you lost access to XYM.
Better check your disk for paper wallet with it. During opt-in you confirmed couple times that you have backup of it :smiley: You even moved mouse to generate it.

And it’s not about optin success view but about optin process where mnemonic was generated.

If you have QR with mnemonic encrypted with password it should be fine.

Estou com um problema. Minhas XYM estão na conta Opt-in, contudo aparece a seguinte msg: Essa conta é obtida por uma derivação mais antiga. Recomenda-se que você mova os fundos para uma Conta Seed

Criei uma conta Seed, porém não consigo mover para ela porque aparece uma mensagem referente ao nó, solicitando a mudança do nó.

I swore I never see 24 words on my NEM Wallet. I clicked Opt-in first time then it leads to opt-in success view.

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I tip my hat to you! Thanks for your patience. You told me to check my paper wallet so I opened my download folder and look thru all files and found it. WoW I do not remember I see 24 words on my screen.

I finally uploaded my XYM account and see my balance. Phew… Thank you!

Now I see Screen Shot 2021-03-16 at 8.00.53 PM

do you send it to seed account? or rather to wait until Symbol launch?