Question Symbol desktop wallet

With Symbol app you have to scan QR from Symbol wallet.
Did you optedin? What’s your NEM address?

Hi there,
thanks for replying. here is a screenshot of my symbolwallet.
there is no Account shown on the left side. nothing to select.

You have select from right ro left :slight_smile:
Anyway looks like you have wrong mnemonic because there is no optin account. What’s your NEM address?

Which NEM address? not the XYM address?

Ok. my NEM address is

Yes. You could send to PM. No problem for me.
You did not opt-in pre-launch. You will be able do this after launch, this will be available via NEM wallet in a few weeks.

Ok. Thank you for checking.
Damn. I thought it worked, cause I got a Mnemonic and a XYM-address.
Do you think the mnemonic and xym-address will stay the same?

Post-launch opt-in will be a bit different (you will put Symbol address yourself).
But there is no final version so I can’t confirm that yet.

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