Redemption being extended - again

We are extending redemption again. Originally it was supposed to end tomorrow but we have quite a few reasons to extend it and basically none not to.

Still many unclaimed. Especially people on the AE seem to want to trade as long as possible.
Devs are still testing and optimizing stuff. Multi-Sig ist also still being implemented and has to be tested properly in a public release before launch.
There is also less time needed to prepare NEMESIS so the deadline was set to early anyway.
As you've all read we're also trying to get 4 exchanges started at launch and they need time too.

We will - for now - not give a new deadline. We have to know when exactly we launch first. We realize that this will probably make people on the AE trade even longer - nothing we can do about that.

We urge everyone to reddem soon, especially if you don't have the time to keep up with current events and don't want to miss the deadline.

I know many of you will be dissapointed by this. I'm not gonna lie - I'm dissapointed as well, probably more than you are. I do however understand the necessety of a rock solid software at launch and I'm wiling to give the devs the time they need to provide that. I hope you can understand that and do the same.

And remember not to shoot the messenger :slight_smile:

We are extending redemption again. Originally it was supposed to end tomorrow but we have quite a few reasons to extend it and basically none not to.

Still many unclaimed. Especially people on the AE seem to want to trade as long as possible.
Devs are still testing and optimizing stuff. Multi-Sig ist also still being implemented and has to be tested properly in a public release before launch.
There is also less time needed to prepare NEMESIS so the deadline was set to early anyway.
As you've all read we're also trying to get 4 exchanges started at launch and they need time too.

We will - for now - not give a new deadline. We have to know when exactly we launch first. We realize that this will probably make people on the AE trade even longer - nothing we can do about that.

We urge everyone to reddem soon, especially if you don't have the time to keep up with current events and don't want to miss the deadline.

I know many of you will be dissapointed by this. I'm not gonna lie - I'm dissapointed as well, probably more than you are. I do however understand the necessety of a rock solid software at launch and I'm wiling to give the devs the time they need to provide that. I hope you can understand that and do the same.

And remember not to shoot the messenger :)

Yes, I would encourage those who are not coming to the forum to check very often (as in once a day) to just claim their stakes and be done with it. The new deadline can be set ad-hoc and could be within a week's notice. We never know.

So, don't blame Pat for that, if that is the case.

Actually, many people have been asking me to extend the deadline, so I am sure they will be happy.

Once multisig is in the open beta and well tested, we should be able to decide a final launch deadline.

So please help test the beta! [url=]

Can i have my stakes back for trading at AE? Since you allow the AE Traders to trade now and change your own rules i want to trade too. You guys play with peoples money…


Explain to me how we changed the rules in regards to AE ?
Oh…and no.  You can't have it back. We want all of them to be redeemed asap so we're not going to hand out more.

I sent my stakes because there was a Deadline. i would have never sent my stakes if there was no Deadline. So please the same rules for all.

I sent my stakes because there was a Deadline. i would have never sent my stakes if there was no Deadline. So please the same rules for all.

If you wanted to keep trading you could have kept your stake until January 29th anyway, because there is/was a 2 month extended redemption phase where you could claim your stake AFTER launch.

The rules are still the same for everybody. People just have more time to claim their stake.

I sent my stakes because there was a Deadline. i would have never sent my stakes if there was no Deadline. So please the same rules for all.

It looks like there are still NEMstake for sale, so feel free to buy more and trade it like it's 1999.

Why not allow people who havent registered yet to register, if we are giving so much time to people who havent redempted.

I understand where you are coming from and that idea is actually not bad!

BUT: It is now public how patmast3r did the analysis to find sock puppet registrations. This will be of big help for people who already have a stake and want another one. So at the end this would be more negative than positive for NEM.

Why delay again, why always capricious changes, why no credit >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

We are extending redemption again. Originally it was supposed to end tomorrow but we have quite a few reasons to extend it and basically none not to. ...
I do however understand the necessety of a rock solid software at launch and I'm wiling to give the devs the time they need to provide that. I hope you can understand that and do the same.

And remember not to shoot the messenger :)

Thank-you for the extension so more stakeholders can become happy NEM users, and for the detailed explanation. You made the right call.

We are extending redemption again. Originally it was supposed to end tomorrow but we have quite a few reasons to extend it and basically none not to. ...
I do however understand the necessety of a rock solid software at launch and I'm wiling to give the devs the time they need to provide that. I hope you can understand that and do the same.

And remember not to shoot the messenger :)

Thank-you for the extension so more stakeholders can become happy NEM users, and for the detailed explanation. You made the right call.


Why delay again, why always capricious changes, why no credit >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Thank you for giving us your feedback.

There are some good reasons for the delay, and you can read them in the original post, but I will repeat it for you with pleasure:
"Devs are still testing and optimizing stuff. Multi-Sig ist also still being implemented and has to be tested properly in a public release before launch."

If you are not sure why multisig is important, patmast3r explained it very well at BTT. I will paste this for you, too:
Imagine you have a huge pile of cookies in a jar that is locked. It's a special lock and you need 3 keys to open the jar. The cookies belong to you, your brother and your sister. To make sure noone is eating everyone elses cookies the jar can only be unlocked when all 3 keys are turned. So noone get's any cookies unless everyone aggrees to take some out of the jar.

jar = wallet
cookies = fuckloads of NEMs
people = NEMs community (obv. there won't  be 2000 keys)

the point is to not have a single person in controll of a huge amount of funds. Since we're going to have many NEMs sitting in funds we need multi-sig to make sure noone goes rouge.

Okay, there's a lot of reasons to put release in later time. But you doing it wrong guys. Just give people solid deadline. Sentences like "[font=verdana]We will - for now - not give a new deadline" are so lame from people who take care of NEM promotion and also people who developing NEM. You are showing US and rest of the people that you are [/font][font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]incompetent.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]It's just my opinion.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]From now on, NEM and it's leaders/developers are people/technology which I really doubt.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]You will not find new investors that way. If you have NOT COMPLETED CODE and you KNOW THAT just tell us. Write everywhere that NEM is [/font][font=verdana]immature [/font][font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]technology and everyone can't depend on it.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Developers knew from at least weeks that this deadline will be erased. Yet, you inform people day before deadline.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]For me (and I'm sure) for many of other investors this kind of movements that you are making are just comedy. You have nothing in common with professionalism.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]NEM is starting to transform in your own sandbox.[/font]

[font=verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Wish you all best investors/NEMsters.[/font]

Actually, many people have been asking me to extend the deadline, so I am sure they will be happy.

Once multisig is in the open beta and well tested, we should be able to decide a final launch deadline.

So please help test the beta! [url=]

Yeah, I'm sure that many NXT people asking for extend deadline. And of course you have expanded it.

How lame/unprofessional is that? Deadline is deadline. And if deadline =\= deadline you had a lot of time to inform people that you have trouble with coding. Day before deadline is your solution. Where it came up? At IRC? Between yourselves?

NEM is so big investment with you guys. Especially if you grow up.

Actually, many people have been asking me to extend the deadline, so I am sure they will be happy.

Once multisig is in the open beta and well tested, we should be able to decide a final launch deadline.

So please help test the beta! [url=]

Yeah, I'm sure that many NXT people asking for extend deadline. And of course you have expanded it.

How lame/unprofessional is that? Deadline is deadline. And if deadline =\= deadline you had a lot of time to inform people that you have trouble with coding. Day before deadline is your solution. Where it came up? At IRC? Between yourselves?

NEM is so big investment with you guys. Especially if you grow up.

lets see you put together a coin like nem and make a deadline and stick to it.. it aint a lego house the devs are building.. it aint a bake sale the team are trying to promote. you can hit a deadline for a bake sale with only half your cakes baked and the only downside is only selling half what you could have.. big deal so what live to whine another day.. try building a crypto thats easy the most advanced and complex in its field, organise thousands of people, promote to businesses, and make sure no one fucks up a long the way.. and do it all in a decentralized manner where no one is the boss and everyone is the boss.. every single other crypto that has attempted this, bar nxt, has crashed and burned... getting everything else right is far more important than hitting deadlines.. so if its a choice between hitting deadlines and making sure nem is 100% ready to go out into the wild then we will miss a deadline or 2, or 3, or 4... too many people have worked far too long and far too hard to watch nem fall to pieces on the last hurdle.. no.. it aint happening..

if launch has to be delayed so that launch can go off with out a hitch then we will delay.. and no deadline will make anyone rush this.. there is far.. FAR.. too much on the line..

if the deadline is extended well in advance then we will constantly be left with a few 100 stakes not claimed and redemption would end up going on forever because the delay in people claiming is one of the very reasons for the delay.

and for your information.. not releasing software until it is absolutely ready for mass use and tested to the balls and as user friendly as possible and ensuring launch is perfect is the very definition of professionalism. so do not try to put the nem team/devs/anyone down because of this delay.

Actually, many people have been asking me to extend the deadline, so I am sure they will be happy.

Once multisig is in the open beta and well tested, we should be able to decide a final launch deadline.

So please help test the beta! [url=]

Yeah, I'm sure that many NXT people asking for extend deadline. And of course you have expanded it.

How lame/unprofessional is that? Deadline is deadline. And if deadline =\= deadline you had a lot of time to inform people that you have trouble with coding. Day before deadline is your solution. Where it came up? At IRC? Between yourselves?

NEM is so big investment with you guys. Especially if you grow up.

Yeah, it would have been way more professional to release not properly tested software so the likes of you would shut up like other projects are doing.
Maybe it's you that needs to grow up ?
You are spreading pure FUD. Since i'm trying not to lash out anymore I'll stop right here (gosh this is hard.)

Launching an eco system like NEM is quite an undertaking. In the nature of development and crypto, NEM cannot be plagued with software issues. Take all the time you need devs. The enormity NEM, both development and NEMstake process is critical when launching a new economy. I support a solid stable release thats well executed.   

If Nem is launched with a lot of bugs se know and helped to find it, is that professional?

Font forget the good feedback is the construtive one.

What can you do to help Nem? Want it fast? You can  help with coding. Bug finding, translations and so on.

If the client goes  live  and someone find  a great bug you will ser your  share of nem going from dome thousands to some dollars. If you really want it, sorry. You dont see  the possibilities. In other words, community is saving money for you.

Believe you or not.

Have a nice day.

Android tapatalk =)