Уважаемые разработчики, мошенники завладели моим кошельком и вывели все средства, я вас очень прошу сделайте что нибудь с этим. Я нашел на форуме что на этот адрес мошенники выводят уже не в первый раз NCWPLQ-CVARBY-XXPCC3-KDAZUQ-4MNL2L-NS7YIR-M2XU. Сумма небольшая но мне очень обидно, что вот так легко кто то может завладеть чужим и ему за это ничего не будет!
@nempathic у вас ведь тоже произошла аналогичная ситуация? почему разработчики ничего не предприняли? Я удивлен что они говорят о том что пароль вашего кошелька слишком слабый. Это глупо. Представим что один человек ударил другого ножом, а на суде его признают невиновным по причине того что кожа потерпевшего была слишком тонкой и нож вошел слишком глубоко. Уважаемые разработчики NEM решите проблему, я не намерен с этим мириться! Вы взяли на себя ответственность и обязаны защищать интересы всех держателей токенов XEM. Я жду от вас действий!
A sad story that undermines the credibility of the platform nem. I hope you will return your coins
Thank you for not having passed my problem. Most of all, it surprises me not how they got my password, but how easily they used the rest of the data for the wallet. If everything is so simple, then why do not the developers of the NEM have yet corrected the problem? I was going to buy more tokens today, and then a thief appears who steals the same wallet, and they do not do anything for him. I own a blog about blocking, and I do not want to put it in bad light. I will create branches for discussing this topic today in several forums, I hope the problem will reach the developers and they will do something!
Using an insecure password for a brainwallet is bound to get your coins stolen, which is what happend in the case you refrenced. There’s no problem to be corrected because it’s not an issue with nem. It would happen just the same with any platform that offers brainwallets (which are all of them).
Brainwallets derive the private key directly from your password. So bad actors can easily create those same private-keys for unsecure passwords before hand. They can just keep creating them until they hit one with funds in there. That’s why there is a massive warning that everyone should use secure passwords.
Example: You create a brainwallet with password abcd1234
When someone else creates a brainwallet with the same password he’ll access the very same account.
So someone can do that all day, in an automated fashion, hoping someone will be careless enough to use insecure passwords.
If you don’t know how something works, and aren’t willing to heed warnings then you’re gonna learn your lessons the hard way.
No I will say that Nanowallet should absolutely enforce stronger passwords. This has defintiely been an oversight.
Still it’s the users fault for using weak passswords.
пароль у меня не был типа 12345abc, и что вы хотите сказать что все так и останется? и дальше этот мошенник будет красть деньги вкладчиков??
почему до сих пор не приняты никакие меры по данному кошельку? Это ведь уже второе обращение, многие даже не проверяют свой баланс, и даже не знают что стали жертвами этого мошенника. Nem пишет что у нее большие планы, но как они хотят идти дальше если они не могут доработать даже свой кошелек???
did you use a brainwallet?
I apologize, but I do not understand some of your words since I’m Russian, and do not speak good English. My wallet was on the start.html. I chose a wallet and entered a password.
You quoted Xem got stolen from private key wallet
This user used a very simple brainwallet password, brainwallets, unlike the simple wallet, is less secure, as you only need the password to unlock the account. Brainwallets can be brute forced. This really is not the fault of NEM, it is the nature of brain wallets.
Dear @Saul, dear community of NEM! I never try to blame anyone for what happened. You need to understand that a certain group of people or perhaps one person is hacking your users’ wallets and brazenly stealing money from them. It’s very insulting to lose your money like this. I want you to pay attention to this that the funds are transferred to the same wallet. Tell me whether there is an opportunity to return my XEM?
This is a system and it is easy to track where the money went, or in the end to cancel the transfers. I’m very angry at these people, now I have a fear use of XEM
I do not understand why technical support is needed? To say that the funds can not be returned and I used a light password? I learned nothing new from you! This is ridiculous. Close then generally this forum - Captain obvious!
In which country is NEM company registered? In this country there is no law regulating fraudulent actions by hackers? You want to create something big, but you will not get anything until you figure out the little things.
Forgive me, but with all due respect, I do not accept your answer. I do not want this topic to be closed.
If you left your wallet out in the street, which is the same as using a weak password for a brainwallet, would you then go to the people making your wallet and ask them to fix the mistake or would you go and say “well that was dumb of me, shouldn’t have left my wallet out on the street.” ?
People are paying attention to the issue, which is why there are warnings and recommendations regarding password strenght which you evidently ignored.
Due to the nature of blockchains coins can’t be returned unless the person in control of the account where the coins are being held now returns them. There is no centralized control hence no law or regulation can help you. It’s simply impossible to return them due to the underlying technology.
Listen, few people are posting in this thread because it’s obvious it was your own fault and that you are unwilling to invest 5 minutes to understand what actually happend. Calling the few people that are trying to explain things to you “Caption Obvious” does nothing to further your cause and everything to make you look like a russian douchebag.
It turns out that the fact that I’m Russian? Are you a Nazi? No one publishes this because you:
- Not even deigned on the registration page of a clever purse, until now, indicate that the password must consist of at least 30 characters.
- They did not block the purse of the attacker, although you already had two registered appeals to you!
On whose side are you at all?
I got no idea where the nazi thing is comeing from…I just…I…I can’t even…what?
The warning has been on the registration page for a while now. Definitely before the current version.
You can’t block it. It’s simply impossible. The only thing nem can do and should do is enforce strong passwords. @Quantum_Mechanics
You have obviously no idea how any of this works so I’d advise you to either educate yourself on the the technology your are using, heed warnings that the software is giving you, or just not use it.
I’m on the side of common sense. Sadly that doesn’t seem to be the side you are on.
Yes, you got stolen by the exact same thief.
Afterwards, for fun, i tried to come up with some simple passwords for a brain wallet.
i tried out: HelloWorld
and it opened a real wallet also stolen by that same thief. he definitely has a program running trying out passwords until he hits someone.
I’m sorry for your loss, as i am for mine.