Updated Redemption Guide

Updated Phase 2 Redemption Guide

Since there was a lot of confusion on how to redeem stakes, I'm attempting to clear things up with this post.

Hint for MAC users: Use the standalone version on [url=http://bob.nem.ninja/nis-ncc-0.4.17.tgz]bob.nem.ninja/ instead of webstart.

For NXT AE Stakeholders:

1. Please create a real NEM address as described in the pictures here: https://forum.ournem.com/index.php?topic=2488.0

2. Save those data in a secure place and keep them secret. The client will NOT save those data for you. Everytime you use the generator it will spit out a new set of data, so make sure you save everything yourself! Please also note that real addresses start with "N" not "T".

Here is a guide on how to safely create and store your data https://forum.ournem.com/index.php?topic=2583.0

3. Once you have successfully created your real address you are ready to redeem your stake. Please send your NEMStake asset to NXT-97MX-EWKV-CGKX-DA5WH. Include a message in the transaction that consists only of your real NEM-address (the one you have created earlier).

Important Note: Please make sure the message you send is NOT encrypted.

After you have sent your asset you're done. You have successfully redeemed your asset and can now wait for the official launch.

For BTT Stakeholders:

1. Please create a real NEM address as described in the pictures here: https://forum.ournem.com/index.php?topic=2488.0

2. Save those data in a secure place and keep them secret. The client will NOT save those data for you. Everytime you use the generator it will spit out a new set of data, so make sure you save everything yourself! Please also note that real addresses start with "N" not "T".

Here is a guide on how to safely create and store your data: https://forum.ournem.com/index.php?topic=2583.0

3. Once you have done that, please go to: https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes and enter your token (received during Phase 1 via PM) and your real NEM-address (the one you have created earlier).

If you have done everything right you should see a message telling you that you have successfully registered your stake and can now wait for the official launch.


Q1: Is there some place where I can check if everything went fine ?

A: Yes, please see: https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes/registered

Q2: When I import my private key the client shows an address with a T instead of an N. What's up with that ?

A: That's perfectly normal. It's simply because we're still on the testnet. After launch that private key will create an account with the correct address you've created - no worries. The client has a function to validate your data if you feel so inclined. You can find it in the same menu where you've created your real NEM-address, under "Verify real account data".

Q3: How long do I have to redeem my Nxt AE asset and BTT stake ?

A: Deadline is set for…good question…no idea.

Q4: I'm getting a warning about the certificate on chain.nem.ninja. What's up with that?

A: Don't worry. We're using a self-signed certificate which is why you're getting that message. Just double check the url and you should be fine.

Q5: I've completed phase 1 - Why doesn't my name show up on the registered page ?

A: Because phase 1 is over now. Phase 2 has begun and only people that have completed phase 2 are being displayed. Please note that phase 1 alone will not be enough to get your NEM.

Q6: I'm getting a message that my token hasn't been registered in time - what's up with that

A: We had to set certain time limits. We can't wait for everyone because then we'd never launch. As the message says you'll have to claim after launch. The process for that hasn't been layed out yet so please look out for any announcements regarding that.

I didnt paid attention to the infos before. Now all the information is  clear to me. Thanks

Enviado de meu Nexus 4 usando Tapatalk

Thanks a lot Pat. This is our latest redemption guide. Discussion is moved here.

I have a few questions.  So regarding this link, what is it exactly? I asked because I submitted my BTT token for phase I and yet I don't see my name here, and I'm curious if it's supposed to be here or not.


Second question :  does the standalone client also require java 8?  Not really enthused about installing java 8 on my mac because it's an active dev box that's working quite well at the moment with java 7.


firefox giving untrusted message on ninja link to input nem address?

IE also giving certificate error warning, is this ok?

You should be getting an untrusted message because the ssl cert is self-signed.

You should be getting an untrusted message because the ssl cert is self-signed.

thanks makoto,really hope this worked :)

I have a few questions.  So regarding this link, what is it exactly? I asked because I submitted my BTT token for phase I and yet I don't see my name here, and I'm curious if it's supposed to be here or not.


Second question :  does the standalone client also require java 8?  Not really enthused about installing java 8 on my mac because it's an active dev box that's working quite well at the moment with java 7.


You submitted the token for phase one means now you need to provide the real address so that the NEM Stakes can be sent to your real address at nemesis creation.

Unfortunately you need to run the beta wallet to get that real address. Hence you will need Java 8. I am not familiar with MAC, but I believe you can have two copies of JAVA loaded in your machine and you can switch them off if you don't need them.

All done. Nice and easy. Keep up the good work.

Updated the FAQ

Thanks for this pat, really helpful stuff. I'm working 12 hour days over here with some particularly boring translation work so I am not posting as much but I'm watching everything at least and replying when and where I can.

I've got a couple more weeks of insanely long work days ahead of me… wish me luck. lol

hello i am in dead point with java now , i installed the new version but still getting the error : javafx application could not launch due to system configuration , note that i changed all security setting and set them to minimum but this did not help , i am pretty sure many have the same issue


hello i am in dead point with java now , i installed the new version but still getting the error : javafx application could not launch due to system configuration , note that i changed all security setting and set them to minimum but this did not help , i am pretty sure many have the same issue


I had the same problem with the normal java update.
Javafx is now part of JavaSE. So I downloaded JavaSE and used that to update, after this everything worked.

You can get the download here:

I used "Windows x86 online"
My system is 64bit but Firefox is 32bit, so you need the 32bit version to get the NEM wallet working.

I had the same problem with the normal java update.
Javafx is now part of JavaSE. So I downloaded JavaSE and used that to update, after this everything worked.

You can get the download here:

I used "Windows x86 online"
My system is 64bit but Firefox is 32bit, so you need the 32bit version to get the NEM wallet working.

hello i tried and in 2 different system and i still getting the same error

I had the same problem with the normal java update.
Javafx is now part of JavaSE. So I downloaded JavaSE and used that to update, after this everything worked.

You can get the download here:

I used "Windows x86 online"
My system is 64bit but Firefox is 32bit, so you need the 32bit version to get the NEM wallet working.

hello i tried and in 2 different system and i still getting the same error

I suggest you uninstall any java version you have. The start the client via webstart and download it from the page you're being directed to.

this exactly what i did from the start ,

I am confused what address do I send my stake to, I have sent a stake to the address on the top left of the account.

Is this a problem?

I am pretty sure I have messed up here!

I am confused what address do I send my stake to, I have sent a stake to the address on the top left of the account.

Is this a problem?

What do you mean by this ?
Is your stake on the NXT AE or are you a btt stakeholder ?