Updated Redemption Guide

Can I use same real address for BTT and NXT?
Can I make a few transactions from same NXT adress?

After opening the client, it shows 'NIS is not available'.

How to solve this issue?

After opening the client, it shows 'NIS is not available'.

How to solve this issue?

This is off-topic. Please open a thread in the "Newcomers & Help" Section.

i made phase one of registration registered toke and now have issues with my wallet.
i cant load my wallet.
i am receiving mistake:

Wallet file is corrupted. Please recover your wallet from a back-up you should have taken when you created the wallet or added an account to it.
Already recovered a lot of times and all the time the same mistake.

maybe you can write what to do now?
or maybe i can create new wallet?


I wouldn't care too much about that wallet. Just create a new one… Or why is your old wallet important for you?

And actually this is off-topic, too. The wallet has not really anything to do with the redemption guide, right? :wink:

I wouldn't care too much about that wallet. Just create a new one... Or why is your old wallet important for you?

And actually this is off-topic, too. The wallet has not really anything to do with the redemption guide, right? ;)

Thanx a lot, i thought that we need to do second phase only in the our old wallet ;)
:) ;) :D ;D :) ;)

my name is on https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes/registered. My account is started on BTT, does anything else need to be done at this point? 

Also I'm running 0.4.28 and my account number is TCFMF7-MKMYPX-OYRTDS-2SUVIT-DHKYEE-LXXKIK-CAEI can you please send me some nem.

a) wait for the launch
b) send  :)

Thank you

Where can we check the balance after the redemption?

Where can we check the balance after the redemption?

inside the wallet, just like this:

[img width=800 height=365]http://s11.postimg.org/wxzngrmcz/wallet.png[/img]

Where can we check the balance after the redemption?

inside the wallet, just like this:

[img width=800 height=365]http://s11.postimg.org/wxzngrmcz/wallet.png[/img]

Need to import the private key? Is there a NEM explorer to check the balance?

Where can we check the balance after the redemption?

inside the wallet, just like this:

Need to import the private key? Is there an NEM explorer to check the balance?

Yes. But if you are talking about the "real Nem", wait for the lauch.

in order to import the wallet, you click the gear beside the Nem Address and choose: "Add an existing account"

Where can we check the balance after the redemption?

inside the wallet, just like this:

[img width=800 height=365]http://s11.postimg.org/wxzngrmcz/wallet.png[/img]

Need to import the private key? Is there a NEM explorer to check the balance?

You can import the private key if you want to see the balance in your wallet. Alternatively you can check that in the NEM blockexplorer directly.

Guys - I've been out of the loop for a while. Just trying to redeem my bitcointalk token. Am I right in thinking I'm too late? The message I got on the token redemption page was "[color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana][/font][center][color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana]That token has not been registered in time. You will need to claim after launch"[/font][/center]

[font=Verdana]Is that right? Why would they prevent redemption during phase 2 and the re-open after launch? Not happy Jan…[/font]

Guys - I've been out of the loop for a while. Just trying to redeem my bitcointalk token. Am I right in thinking I'm too late? The message I got on the token redemption page was "[color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana][/font][center][color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana]That token has not been registered in time. You will need to claim after launch"[/font][/center]

[font=Verdana]Is that right? Why would they prevent redemption during phase 2 and the re-open after launch? Not happy Jan...[/font]

same for me!

whats wrong?

Guys - I've been out of the loop for a while. Just trying to redeem my bitcointalk token. Am I right in thinking I'm too late? The message I got on the token redemption page was "[color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana][/font][center][color=rgb(255, 0, 0)][font=Verdana]That token has not been registered in time. You will need to claim after launch"[/font][/center]

[font=Verdana]Is that right? Why would they prevent redemption during phase 2 and the re-open after launch? Not happy Jan...[/font]


I've been very busy with work.  I just had time today to check the status of this project and I found I am unable to claim my token.  How may I claim it?

Copied from OP:
Q3: How long do I have to redeem my Nxt AE asset and BTT stake ?
A: Deadline is set for 22nd(00:00 GMT 23rd) of November.

So it seems I should be able to still claim my share at https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes/ correct?  When will the website be fixed?  Thanks

So it seems I should be able to still claim my share at https://chain.nem.ninja/stakes/ correct?  When will the website be fixed?  Thanks

November 22 is the deadline for Phase 2 of the redemption process. Phase 1 of the process is already over, unfortunately. If you are attempting to register the token you received in a PM to your BTT account, that token was good for Phase 1 only.

You can still claim your stake, but you will have to wait until after official launch and you will only receive 75% of your stake as a penalty for being late.

I'm sure you are probably not happy about this, but these are the rules that have been decided and contrary to popular belief, they were not decided upon on a whim or in order to steal NEM from our stakeholders. There are many, many reasons why these rules were implemented, all of which have been discussed in depth both on this forum and on BTT, so I will not go into any details here.

I understand that you have been busy, but as with most administrative tasks one must perform in life, there are deadlines and there are consequences for missing those deadlines. While I personally regret that we did not have these rules and deadlines established well in advance so that people could know about them, due to the nature of the project and its development I believe this was something that was not foreseen until it came time to perform the redemption and we began to see many unclaimed stakes emerging. Everyone was informed, however, that you would be receiving your token for redemption in a PM to your BTT account, and I believe myself as well as those who decided on the redemption rules assumed that no matter how busy someone could be, they would be able to find at least 30 seconds out of their day to check their PMs, especially as we were nearing launch and the redemption period, all of which were announced well in advance.

Anyway, that's just the situation as I see it. I hope it was informative, and I'm truly sorry if you or anyone else who was unable to submit their token in time feel that you are being wronged or taken advantage of in any way. I can assure that was never the intention of the team and those handling the redemption process.

thanks for explaining the situation.

Although I understand the point I still feel being wronged as by not having been informed longer in advance. Because yes, there are deadlines and consequences but there is also moral duty to inform the interested parties about them well in advance which I think really wasn

thanks for explaining the situation.

Although I understand the point I still feel being wronged as by not having been informed longer in advance. Because yes, there are deadlines and consequences but there is also moral duty to inform the interested parties about them well in advance which I think really wasn

Although I understand the point I still feel being wronged as by not having been informed longer in advance. Because yes, there are deadlines and consequences but there is also moral duty to inform the interested parties about them well in advance which I think really wasn

Although I understand the point I still feel being wronged as by not having been informed longer in advance. Because yes, there are deadlines and consequences but there is also moral duty to inform the interested parties about them well in advance which I think really wasn