Website Link Not Working

Recently I got into NEM, started investing in it and I absolutely love it. The issue is I almost decided not to invest into it due to the following reasons:

  1. Complexity of Website: I looked at the website and being pretty computer illiterate I didn’t know what it was and because there was not a lot of material on it I almost decided to invest in a different coin.

  2. Hard to Buy: I tried getting this and absolutely hate polinex. Once I created it I figured out I had to create a bitcoin account, buy bitcoin, then transfer to the polinex account, then to my NEM wallet. I know you can buy directly but the website was in Japanese and not user friendly

  3. I had a hard time finding the Nano-Wallet. Although I understand that when you are the developer it is easy to find it and make sense, being a new user I had a hard time differentiating the Nano-Wallet and the Standalone wallet and because I couldn’t get the stand alone wallet working I almost gave up

  4. Not a lot of youtube material on this cryptocurrency. I would suggest contacting youtubers to premote NEM more.
    Examples: Crypt0, Bitcoin Meister, Realist News, and other youtubers.

*Please Note that when users look at “”, they research each coin and complexity/ease of access determine if the user buys the coin. I feel that if these 4 hurdles were taken care of then NEM would Skyrocket.

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Hi Michael,

I understand your concerns.

As far as buying is concerned. I agree buying on an exchange is not great.

Best way to do so that I’ve found with reasonable rates is Changelly. You can turn all the top crypto-currencies into XEM here

As a matter of fact Changelly is also linked through the Nano wallet under services.

The nano wallet is very lightweight and doesn’t require users to download the entire blockchain like other wallets. I find it quite easy to use and I’m not overly technical. I’m sure the NEM community will continue to roll out more ease of use options for its users.

I’ll answer your questions serially:
1- Yes, I agree that the website needs to be better. I mean lots of improvements needed. Mabe Jeff or somebody else will address your concerns on this.

2- It is very easy to buy XEM right from the Nano-wallet using Changelly. I think Fiat link is on the way soon. You can buy XEM directly from Nano-wallet using your credit card. For more details, check

3-I don’t know why you had a hard time finding the Nano-wallet. It is right here Once you download the Zip file, you just need to unzip it and click on the “start.html”. The nano-wallet will open in your browser and you can open new accounts/wallets from there.
Please visit Nano wallet Help [SOLVED],
Need help getting up to date, for more details.

4- Yes not so many videos but you can visit the NEMofficial channel

Also some latest youtube video links are

Rap song on NEM

For more tutorials and information you can always visit