What is the maximum deadline which can be specified in the transaction?

From the documentation a transaction has a deadline field:

The deadline of the transaction. The deadline is given as the number of seconds elapsed since the creation of the nemesis block. If a transaction does not get included in a block before the deadline is reached, it is deleted.

So when I create a transaction, I can specify the deadline. My question is: how far in the future can I select this deadline? A day, a month, a year?

Max lifetime of a transaction is 24 hours.


Thank you very much. Is there any link which can verify this?

depends on what you call “verify”. The api docs https://bob.nem.ninja/docs state for the error code FAILURE_FUTURE_DEADLINE:

The deadline lies too far in the future. Deadlines are only allowed to lie up to 24 hours in the future.

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Thank you very much. This is a very good verification. Do you by any chance know how transaction fees are caclulated: How to calculate the amount of fee for a simple NEM transaction? ?