When Pressflix?

Something different, I personally am annoyed that lately information in online media has become more and more payable. My problem is not paying in itself.

I have to register and make a transfer for each medium. Isn’t that something for a blockchain based app
? If the platform is free for the media companies, I see no problem. Pressflix?

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https://www.grantfortheweb.org/ maybe interesting

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That’s pretty much the problem with media from the start. Throughout media-related college, they’ll keep telling the students that media is the watchdog of the government and big corporations for the sake of the public. 2 years in and you’ll notice that they’re actually held at gunpoint by the same people they swore to criticize because of funding. The alternative being paid subscription can be trustworthy to some degree but I wouldn’t place my fiats on it. So yeah, a blockchain based setting would be nice.