Hi everyone,
In the next few days, there will be approx. 4% reduction of Symbol inflation reward. This is how the symbol ecosystem works regardless of my will.
This will be applied both node share and harvest reward.
After this adjustment, total gain on each harvest on my node will be total about
46XYM ( node share) + 128XYM ( harvest reward ) =174XYM.
Also I’d like to update the monthly fee. To be fair for those who join to my node in the middle of each month, I’d like to change the monthly rent depending on the number of successful harvests per month instead of the amount of XYM you hold.
0 harvest: 0XYM
1-4 harvest: 25XYM
5-29 harvest: 100XYM
more than 30 harvest: 200XYM
I think this is more thoughtful and fair for the new harvesters. 
I will update my thread accordingly after this post.
My node has been working well
Currently still 85 slots are available!