[Bittrex Issues] How long does it take to show up in wallet?

I sent the XEM from my bittrex to Nano with no message. On Bittrex the withdrawal is complete. Nothing showing in my Nanowallett. Help please!!!

Bittrex is having issues syncing NIS. We are in contact with them.

How long should this take? It has been almost 12 hours. Message on bittrex The last block update occurred 939 minutes ago. Is there a problem or will this eventually go through?

Hash: c978ed15a952a2b3d15a5acd30a337a8847165c0de792d2fc304677882c98873
Everything was done correct on my end with message attached ect.

Thank you,

Transferred NEM coins from Bittrex to Nanowallet. After 8 hours coins not received. Using Windows 10 and Chrome.

TxId: b84198f03f481482c0f2922007d32f70d82a1bb18c80327b1043c9f90481f220

Same things but in another direction from Nanowallet to Bittrex, 13h ago.
Bittrex is says that “The wallet has not seen a block in over 60 mins. This is likely because of long block times on the coin network. Please check with an official block explorer and see what’s happening.” 820 minutes ago

And yes, forgot: http://chain.nem.ninja/#/multisig/dabb72ad8f2c98934f206ddf6f269e2fd630acb5f00f5000bacdc5c03300b1fe

Are you sure the transfer was successful? The tx id is not in the network, that means there was no transaction from bittrex yet.

The transaction status on Bittrex says Completed. I have submitted a request to Bittrex support. Thanks for the response.

Thank you.

The same problem with me.I think something wrong with their wallet.

Support of Bittrex is keep silence for 16h already on my request.

Same here…usually goes through in less than a minute…but it’s been an hour and nothing…i thought i was the only one…hopefully, it comes through soon…if any Tech experts here, please let us know what’s happening…is there any issues on the NEM nano wallet? Bittrex says transfer completed…so, i am assuming it’s the nano wallet…

A post was merged into an existing topic: NEM Mainnet Faucet OPEN!

The last block update occurred 1121 minutes ago.

Once that status starts going down and bittrex starts syncing again, our coins should start showing up.

Thanks for reaching out to bittrex Saul, I have a case open with them but haven’t heard anything from them.

Thank you


Will Lehr
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I have the same problem. my trans id doesn’t even show anything…am i the only one?i sent my tokens from bittrex to nanowallet


i’m getting worried…i didn’t include a message either but the transaction says completed on bittrex.

You just have to be patient. There’s a problem on bittrex side. Transactions are running behind on their end.

no worries - thanks

Still nothing in my wallet…


Will Lehr
Managing Partner & Co Founder
P 888-281-2630
F 877-637-2742

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likewise - Bittrex have just advised me that this is down to NEM to resolve…NEM??? can you indicate when we will be able to receive our funds?