Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:23]
[In reply to David]
Are you referring to 32 accounts limited to 1 multisig account?
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:26]
So every animal account is a multisig to the game creator account initially. Once a user buys that animal, the user gets added to the multisig
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:26]
On selling the animal, user gets remove and new owner gets added
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:27]
Transaction between new and existing user must happen for the transfer to happen
Bam O., [07.12.17 11:31]
Great ideas here. We want to do this with dragons. I will be available later today and can invite you to our new nem cryptodragons group if you are interested. Just pm me. Have a business meeting now, but for the meantime a thought: how can you Display/Store family trees via nem. Similar to maybe. Different “cats” with different attributes can have “mixed” children, passing on some attributes. Maybe even some hidden/encrypted dna code similar to crusader kings
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 11:33]
[In reply to Bam O.]
this is simple, the pet account just generate a mosaic, ex: sperm-coin
give it to new account, make it untransferable
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 11:34]
[In reply to Shin Tatt Wong]
still missing link, how u reference the mosaic to pet address? if creator address say its address x can you believe tommorow he will not change it to y?
Aenima, [07.12.17 11:37]
I created a pet dragon with hp, strength etc.:
The owner is (he got a dragons:owner token)
The owner token have the reference to the pet dragon (msg), he can transfer it without mesage but the original reference can always be found by backtracking the token.
Aenima, [07.12.17 11:37]
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:40]
[In reply to Newbie Ninja]
Game creator account gets namespace and generates mosaics from that namespace
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:40]
These mosaics could have different names for different attributes
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:41]
As long as Mosaics sitting on this bamrsp, the game logic will pick it up and them to the animals’ account accordingly
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 11:41]
[In reply to Aenima]
great job. now how if you want to make second dragon? will u make new account, create new namespace, like i propose above. or u will take shin idea, to generate token from central account?
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 11:41]
[In reply to Shin Tatt Wong]
Aenima, [07.12.17 11:43]
[In reply to Newbie Ninja]
I think that would be too expensive. Maybe just a new pet account and send the attribute tokens (hp, strength etc.) to that account
Aenima, [07.12.17 11:46]
this is the master account (creating the tokens):
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 11:52]
eureka, now everything look logic, great job 

Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 11:54]
the weakness of my idea is too many namespace to be used, by using shin and aenima idea it has been solved
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:04]
[In reply to Aenima]
As I said before, it’s all about the DNA
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:04]
Create a dna system with mosaics
Robin Pedersen, [07.12.17 12:05]
Iv read through how to create the Cryptokittis contract on NEM. Had this exact problem in NEMventory which I didn’t solve. So wiating for some filecoin project or maybe catapult. But, it’s a very interesting case.
I don’t see how this can be created completely decentralized as of now. But Crypotikitti is not either so (read the contract).
I think you said it, just wanna join the discussion here. One way I see to store enough data like attributes, traits, etc. so the asset is fungible is to use messages on an account. ( or a lot of centralized mosaics, but I think that will be complex). We trow away the private key for the account. So each account is its own dragon. Let’s call this dragon account.
Then you need have a contract that says who owns what account. You could do this on centralized asset description, but you could also maybe just send an encrypted message to that "dragon account, I would assume this is easier. It’s not decentralized thought.
Robin Pedersen, [07.12.17 12:08]
Finding a denstralized way to do this would be sooooo cool!
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:08]
[In reply to Paul Rieger]
Care to expand on this?
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:09]
[In reply to Robin Pedersen]
Ownership of account like I mentioned is done through multisig between owner, animal and game creator
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 12:09]
[In reply to Robin Pedersen]
plz define dezentralized? if its mean: ownership and attribute written in blockchain, its already solved by idea above
Robin Pedersen, [07.12.17 12:10]
[In reply to Shin Tatt Wong]
Ahh, so you are useing a 2 - 3 multisig so owner can change state?
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:10]
Robin Pedersen, [07.12.17 12:10]
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:11]
[In reply to Robin Pedersen]
Send non transferable dna mosaics to this account
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:11]
So now is only about the breeding of accounts, how to identify the parents of the new child
Robin Pedersen, [07.12.17 12:12]
[In reply to Newbie Ninja]
Yea, i was thinking ownership of gene in this case.
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:12]
[In reply to Shin Tatt Wong]
Breeding is done by the creator
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:13]
Either both breeders send messages to the creator
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:13]
Or they create a multi sig account with the creator account
Paul Rieger, [07.12.17 12:14]
Who will own the new offspring?
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:15]
Game owner
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:15]
Up for sale
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:15]
Hmmm or not
Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:16]

Shin Tatt Wong, [07.12.17 12:18]
Was initially thinking of using hd accounts
Newbie Ninja, [07.12.17 12:52]
[In reply to Paul Rieger]
noone it should be like real life no child owned by his parent