Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here! [MOVED]

Hi today I deposited nem coin to my huobi account and transaction has been confirmed but there’s still nothing in my huobi account how long will take the fix this problem ?? I deposited without message code is it problem ? But I did it before without message code


How can I contact to huobi

HELP: Lost XEM during transfer because I forgot to include the message…

Is there any way to get my money back? Cheers.

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Huobi uses individual deposit addresses. That’s why message is not required.
You can contact with them via Huobi official support.

@evilmorty where and from where did you sent?
Have you transaction id?

Спасибо большое.буду писать в поддержку

Обменял деньги через обменный пункт на XEM на адрес биржи Polonix . Адрес депозита и message указывал правильно. Обменный пункт говорит что деньги отправил. После отправки прошло 7 часов. Сколько должен идти перевод? И когда начинать беспокоиться ?
транзакция 89109ba9aab0bbe30a1d153cf9f8c71f9ae3fac1021febd4c0e0c65110311949

Транзакция выглядит неплохо:
Проверьте правильность сообщения. Если это нормально, обратитесь в службу поддержки Poloniex.

Transaction looks good:
Please verify if message is correct. If it’s ok please contact with Poloniex support.

i have transfer XEM unit from VIP.bitcoin to cryptopia, information given in VIP, transaction has completed, but i never see my XEM in cryptopia wallet, someone can help me for this problem?
tx id : 3aba68bf462a13afe8d2a7ebcf1743064972a8f24ed5326ef78e3be5bce3b0b5

Все , деньги зашли на счет на бирже Poloniex. Время зачисления на биржу 7:11 . Перевод длился 22 часа . Спасибо за поддержку.

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i have transfer XEM from bittrex to cryptopia, information in bittrex is completed, information in cryptopia is sucessfull and confirmed. but my XEM in cryptopia wallet is stiil 0 (zero). cryptopia support is not responding.
anyone help me…
tx id : 8ffcc7c131e837591953f52d5c178480bbb4f6b21bb2fd4856d8ccabad62403b

@Frederick is transaction is still not processed by Cryptopia and you have verified if your message is correct (6b7ff2143e75394a) then you must contact with Cryptopia support. Transaction is done:

Already contact cryptopia team, they just asking for apologize and want me to wait

Отправил в 0:44 по мск нем с биттрекса на криптопию. Ждал до 6:00 утра, так и не дождался.
На 100 процентов уверен, что не совершал ошибок ни с адресом, ни с сообщением.
Разберитесь с этим, пожалуйста.

I have transferred my XEM from my HitBtc to my Cryptopia, but until now still haven’t received any. it is ticked in the HitBtc withdrawal report. Please help.

I have never used Cryptopia but odds are they require you to include a message in the transaction when depositing which you didn’t.
If that is indeed the case, you’ll need to contact their support in order to get this resolved.

Операция @Airon_Airon выглядит нормально:
Вы должны связаться с поддержкой Cryptopia …

@Airon_Airon transaction looks ok:
You must contact with Cryptopia support…

@discover_potential as @memario said you didn’t include message required by Cryptopia to process transaction automatically:

What you can do now is contact with Cryptopia support, provide transaction hash and ask for manually assign this transaction to your exchange account.

i actually used message for this transaction. you can see that in NEM explorer. I dont make a misstake.