i should send 1 XEM to my own adress?
NO you should send 0XEM to your own address.
1XEM is fee.
now i have a public key
could i do the transaction from Bittrex now?
now the nem are on the wallet, thanks. Do i have a backup now?
For information on how to back up NanoWallet please refer to this article.
There are two kinds of backups. Please do both.
Items 3.1 and 3.2.
@Saul I will inform you that the linked movie in 3.1 is gone.
thanks for your help
I’m trying to do the same thing here, but all my XEM are in Bittrex. Is there a way to generate a public key for nano Wallet when you have 0 XEM in your wallet.
Same issue here, I just bought my first XEM…
Please tell me the version and address of NanoWallet.
I will send you the minimum XEM to issue Publickey.
Please tell me the version and address of NanoWallet.
I will send you the minimum XEM to issue Publickey.
I am using BETA 1.4.13 with the Adress NDPCSJFN5M5WA47BJI5WEO3ZX73WICPG6T32OT3O.
Thank you very much @mizunashi
I sent 0.05 XEM.
This XEM will be used as a commission.
Please remit Zero XEM to yourself. So publickey is issued.
День добрый, у меня та же проблема, на кошельке 0 xem , и я не могу отправить себе , т.к комиссия 1 nem , мой адрес NC42ZVYTYHYK44F3Y4FZ5OIXIK23LQGMTCYERVHX кошелек BETA 1.4.3.
Я перечислил 1 XEM.
Передайте 0 XEM себе.
1 XEM - плата за перевод.
Thanks for responding.
Version: BETA 1.4.13
Kind regards
I sent 0.05xem. I use it as a commission. Please remit Zero XEM to yourself. So Publickey is issued.
I sent to bittrex nothiing arrived
morre detai needed ?
That is not your address, that is an exchange address: