Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here! [MOVED]

I bought Xem last night, but I still have not received x in my livecoin wallet, which side xem have confirmed transfer, who helped me with

Could you give transaction id ?

Hi there,

I bought some XEM yesterday on Cryptopia, and sent to my nem wallet. On Cryptopia it says the transaction is complete, but i still don’t see my coins in the wallet. Any chance you can help?

Hello @Carolina_Silveira
If transaction is not visible in blockchain explorer (you can find by transaction id) that’s mean you must contact with Cryptopia support because transaction is not valid.
It was couple similar issues with Cryptopia last days.

what should i message to the support of cryptopia. please help me

You should link this two transactions in Cryptopia support ticket:

And you should tell that XEM was sent by mistake as second level mosaic from deptowallet.
It can bee seen:

Mosaic: nem.xem
Total Quantity 2840.000000

If you like you can redirect support guy to this topic (please link your post directly). He can also ask me question if they like because this is not standard user error.


Hi all,

I transferred my XEM amount from AbuCoins to Bittrex but could not see transaction in pending for over 2 hours. Address was correct, I double checked it. Can you please help?

@Isildur could you please give your transaction id?

what is the link for this so that i will link them this topic?

"Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!"

is this the link here? , Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!

Just click and copy link from address bar :slight_smile:

okay im done email the support of cryptopia. How will be back my XEM?

And How to exchange my XEM, If depotwallet cannot exchange XEM?

For sending XEM you should use official nanowallet It’s up to exchange how and if they return your tokens.

@CryptoBeliever I have only this address in withdrawal history and pending process - 60393b430f434415b72

when i receive back my XEM, can i send XEM using depotwallet to nano wallet? to make i exchange

@Isildur hash should be visible in exchange withdrawal history. If it’s not visible you must ask directly exchange support.

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@ladycrypto you can have same address in deptowallet and nanowallet if you import private key. But about this please discuss in Dimcoin Support Thread when tokens will be returned.

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okay thank you. I hope my XEM will be back by cryptopia