More and more attention is being paid to NanoWallet with new features being added to it like [Changelly]( Instant Exchange and the [Apostille]( blockchain notarization service. We plan to make NanoWallet the main supported desktop client in the future, so here is a short tutorial about how to export/import your wallet.
##Step 1
1) Open your wallet in NCC.
2) Click on the down arrow next to the lock icon.
3) Select "Export for Lightwallet".
##Step 2
1) Enter your password.
2) You will see a *json* file pushed to your browser.
##Step 3
1) Open NanoWallet.
2) Select "Login".
3) Select "Import Wallet".
4) Upload the *json* file you just got from NCC.
##Step 4
1) Choose the wallet in the drop-down menu.
2) You will receive a prompt to update the wallet from a *json* file to a *wlt* file.
3) Enter your password that you used to export from NCC.
4) Please be patient for a minute while your wallet is upgrading.
##Step 5
1) After completing step 4, you will see a new *wlt* file pushed to your browser.
2) Save that file for a back-up!
3) You can just login to the account now in the drop-down menu with your regular password.
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Good post.