Free tool, to track your harvesting + Open Node Slots

Hello Nembers,

like I mentioned in Telegram, i coded a watchdog to track the node you’re harvesting to.
Some of you also want to use it, so I made it public.
Just type your E-Mail and the Node IP/Hostname you want to track.
When the node becomes offline or had a restart you get notified by E-Mail.


Wow, that is awesome! Almost 200 people registered for this service and I got a few small donations. Thank you very much for this!!

I just coded a small extension: Tired of finding a node with free slots?
Now you can browse a list of nodes with free harvesting slots.

Next steps:
Auto reconnect to node
E-Mail notification for found blocks

Enjoy & Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Thank you for helping out the NEM community


I am using this tool.
I have talked about it for a while, so I will tell you.

There is a problem of a delay of the chain height of the super node as a phenomenon that is often seen recently.
In that case, the super node fails the test. In many cases, it continues to fail.
In this case, I do not know if harvesting is functioning.
And a solid SuperNode administrator will restart the server soon.

Also, like me, those who have SuperNodes are very helpful in that they can also be used for health checks of their own servers.

Here we propose.
Currently, if the API reacts, I think that the node is judged as having no problem.
Can I extend this and notify me if the height is significantly behind?
I think that it is permissible until the delay of about 7 blocks in my memory.
I think that it is not necessary to accurately count up to that point, but since it can be a little bigger threshold value, it will be very helpful if you let me know in that case.

Thank you.

Thanks @dasdingo, I was able to start harvesting using your tool. I’ll send you my first blocks’ rewards as a donation :slight_smile:

This solution should be added to the NanoWallet!

Assuming all balances among super nodes and delegated accounts were the same., is it ok to assume that nodes with a larger amount of free slots will provide a larger chance of harvest a block? Or is it the contrary? (since, under this assumption, fuller nodes will have a bigger balance).


You may also want look at this tool: which automatically restart your harvesting when remote nodes goes offline and switch to another one.

the only thing that is relevant for the chance to harvest a block is the PoI of the account that has delegated harvesting enabled.

free slots on the node are irrelevant as well as the amount of XEM. but in general accounts with a lot of XEM have a higher PoI-Score than accounts with less XEM

Thank you both for your replies!

@marc0o Is there a fixed limit to the amount of open slots for delegated harvesting in a node?

Limit is configurable per node.

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Hi @mizunashi

Do you still have this problem? That is lack of monitoring of supernode/node? I have been thinking this problem of not having alerts if node strays too far of current block and still seem to be “functional”.

I was about start developing monitoring service for node (with same kind of parameters you proposed) but as I saw @dasdingo tool, it would be redundant, as this functionality could be implemented on this particular tool. I could help develop this kind of monitoring functionality to to tool, what do you say @dasdingo?

Nice tool @dasdingo!

sorry to resurrect the thread but, is there another tool like this available to monitor supernodes?

Why supernodes? All nodes are eligible for plugging in delegated harvesting.

well you can look for free slots on multiple sites. one example is

if you want to use automated restarts of delegated harvesting I recommend you

You can also look for open harvesting slots at