NEM Mainnet Faucet OPEN!

Hi NEM faucet admin: So what is the current status … withdrawls on or off ; withdrawl fee 5 XEM or not.?

Dear Namuyan

I can not withdraw
(I can not push withdraw button)

Please help!
Thanks so much

Withdrawal not possible

I can not withdraw
(I can not push withdraw button)

OCKNAMO is missing.
I do not need OCKNAMO, can you delete it?

Please help!

Access forbidden on ???
Is it just me?
I am not a spammer. However, I switched provider, so my IP has changed.

Same browser, same cookie, etc.

Please Activate my account. I can’t withdraw.


if someone know this teach me please

i wanto to change my nem address that I registered that when i came to nem faucet first time.
because that address was wrong for getting nem.

hope someone who knows it give me answere please

How do I get more than 100 test Nem so taht I can try out namespace and mosaic?

wrong thread but I’ll send you some… top level namespace is 100xem, sub-namespaces and mosaics are 10xem

Sorry - but thanks!!! they just arrived. off to see if I can figured this out.

saya dari indonesia,kita semua memiliki masalah yang sama,adakah yang bisa membatu saya?
mungkin dengan memberi sedikit NEM? atau mengajari saya cara mendapatkan NEM ?

Can’t withdraw, please help!

Здравствуйте подскажите почему я не могу зайти на сайт (nem/mainnet)

@tolyan выглядит как faucet не принимает новых пользователей

@tolyan looks like faucet doesn’t accept new users

1 Like

Dear sir, I would like to sith draw form the NEM Mainet faucet, but when I click withdraw and get transferred to the withdrawal page, the withdraw all button is greyed out, please advise,


Sorry, I should’ve copied my address. Can’t withdraw to this address. I have more than 5xem. Any help would be appreciated^^


Hey! Kudos! I’m giving it a go and will let you know!

Same issue here, can’t withdraw. Is is Ocknamo related? Please delete it then. Address NCIXDGLOWTAOJE75LBUXJFLLN7NXGNY2XGLLOSTA

Thank you.

Also why donation don’t appear on the page? It did appear before, but not anymore

I cant withdraw.What can I do for this ?