Check my latest update to the post on how to update your supernode to the latest version.
Thanks @Paul for the update instructions. I worked it out myself using a slightly different method that just replaced the jar files after stopping the servant service
systemctl stop supernode.service
tar -xvzf nis-ncc-0.6.79.tgz
cp ./package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.79-BETA.jar /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.79-BETA.jar
cp ./package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.79-BETA.jar /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-infrastructure-server-0.6.79-BETA.jar
cp ./package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.79-BETA.jar /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-core-0.6.79-BETA.jar
cp ./package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.79-BETA.jar /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-peer-0.6.79-BETA.jar
rm /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-deploy-0.6.77-BETA.jar
rm /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-infrastructure-server-0.6.77-BETA.jar
rm /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-core-0.6.77-BETA.jar
rm /home/nis/nis-ncc/package/nis/nem-peer-0.6.77-BETA.jar
systemctl start supernode.service
I also took the opportunity to update all packages:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Hope this might help others
Can I ask where you posted this “update to the post on how to update your supernode to the latest version”? I can’t find it
Want to make sure I don’t make any mistake. Thanks
@KingCole Thanks for sharing your way of updating.
Allow a question… (Am a Java Noob)
You describe to exchange the .JARs with the new ones and then re-start the supernode.service. Are there no links (in config files etc.) to the files pointing to the 0.6.77 filenames? No need to update them?
Thanks in advance.
Peace, R3n3
It’s just appended to the original tutorial.
Labeled Update Guide
@willowfoot Thanks for your friendly reply. I spent another 5min on searching and scrolling… Could you please message the link to the post? I think it may help others, too. Who could be searching around like me.
It’s #4, last step on the tutorial written by Paul.
It’s called “Update Guide”
OK! Thank you.
Found it in this (NEM Supernode Command Line Tutorial for Debian 8.4) thread in the 7/JUN/2016 post. All clear.
Part 4 on the tutorial worked great. Thanks Paul.
Here is a good tutorial for setting up a node on Amazon.
Extra tips for things not specifically mentioned are the following:
- Choose a Debian Jessie copy for you OS from the community AMIs.
- In Step 6, remember to open your ports 7778, 7880, 7890.
And this is a good video on how to use Puttygen and Putty to log into the EC2.
A single core and 1GB RAM is enough in my experience, however, I also created a 1GB swap file, and limited the amount of RAM available to NIS to 768M and the amount of RAM available to servant to 128M.
Hi, how can I stop the NIS service manually, i.e. the Linux equivalent of the net stop service in Windows. So for example net stop NIS or whatever the Debian equivalent is?
Und wieder einmal, Vielen Dank! Habe gerade erfolgreich auf 0.6.82 upgedated.
It should be as simple as sudo systemctl stop supernode.service
but I don’t see any reason why you’d want to run this command on your supernode.
Hi, it was to do the 0.6.82 upgrade. I thought a graceful shutdown would be required to upgrade.
“strg-c” ( shell / screen )
Ctrl+C for EN keyboards
Logs are taking up a lot of space on the server. Is there some easy way to turn them off or reduce their space?
I’ll add a short section on how to setup a cronjob that deletes log files that are older than 30 days. For now you can run the following command to do it manually:
find ~/nem/nis/logs -mindepth 1 -mtime +30 ! -name 'nis-0.log.lck' ! -name 'nis-0.log' -delete