NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Thank you very much for your help.

Since NEMbex indicated “NEWEST RELEASE: 0.6.91”, I made an update. There is no problem, right?

I also just notice there is a new release. Is it a required update? What is the best way to upgrade?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

I think it is better to post in the 0.6.91 relese thread:

All Supernode owner please upgrade to version 0.6.91. The upgrade is mandatory. I will upgrade the reference NIS in 5 days.

The thread of NIS-NCC 0.6.91 was created six hours after I wrote it here.
Nembex already announced new version.
Please let me know what I should have done.

Didn’t notice that your post was prior to the official release post, sorry.

Hi, I’ve just updated my Supernode to 0.6.91 by replacing the jar files, and then also as a maintenance - removing a few logs (only remaining logs in nis/logs nis-0.log and nis-log0.log.1 ). I then rebooted server, and I can connect to it via SSH and browse folder etc, and is also showing as online from my VPS management console. All firewall rules are correct. But when connecting to I get the message “refused to connect” on Chrome, and page cannot be displayed on IE. Any ideas?

I can’t see any of the logs being updated on the server, the nis-0.log file was last updated around the time I updated and rebooted server.

@suky321: so NIS is running? In that case the nis-0.log should be updated frequently. What does the contents look like?

I don’t believe it’s running, is there a command I can run to check? I’ve looked at nis-0.log, and just see a few entries relating to 4 harvesters are attempting to harvest a block (but those entries are from earlier today). I can’t see any errors. Should I also have a nis-0.log.lck, as I can’t see that in the logs folder.

@suky321: how do you start NIS? Is it the standalone? Or docker?

Standalone, and I use It just tried it, and it brought the server back online. Looks like the service didn’t automatically start like I thought it would. In the mean time as part of troubleshooting I rolled back to 0.6.87. I’ll re-update again. Is there an ubuntu command that I can restart the nis service instead of rebooting? Thanks!

So in your scenario it is running as service? I usually run a screen for it.

Edit: If it is a service the service can be restarted, just google the command for ubuntu.

Thanks for your help BR, much appreciated. I sure have learned a lesson from this. Will remember this for next time I update. :slight_smile: Thanks!

This is written in the super node’s operation manual.

Open TCP inbound/outbound ports for 7778, 7880, and 7890 on firewalls and routers

Many people think that Port 7778 is used by light wallet, but it is also used normally by NanoWallet.

Certainly there may be a difference between the function of the super node and the function to be provided to the client, but if we are using an SN that does not satisfy this condition (non Open 7778) SN, the NanoWallet multisig signature request is notified It will not be used.

As another matter, if you are watching various SNs, there are also SNs that you set for yourself only, with 1 empty slot providing DeligateHarvesting. I do not think that this will be a big problem because there is no rule (feeling, ???).

Currently, this problem seems to be low priority, but I will recommend as a matter to be improved in the future.

Reminder: all Supernode owner please upgrade to version 0.6.91. The upgrade is mandatory. Reboot the vps after the upgrade. I will upgrade the reference NIS on 2017-07-12.

Please spread the word.


Can you explain why this HEX message in this transaction is so long?

I can verify the sha256sum of the latest NIS .tgz package with a part of the HEX message
but do not understand what is the rest of the HEX message used for.

it is a prefix, a hash and a string:

prefix: 4e545903

hash: b9724a15f75c4f8fce078fb84fbcf535a5f9465f6b51667e505b9c42a876370a


OK thanks.

I have successfully upgraded my node. :+1: