NEM Supernode Rewards Program

i’m trying! thanks! it’s ok now )

maybe you can give me an advice which settings and adjustments i can use on my server to make it fully loaded and maximum reliable for the network?

above you gave some recommendations in this post:

does it mean that i also can use similar settings?

That depends on the amount of RAM you have on your node. So, how much RAM do you have?

32gb :sunglasses:

In that case, yes, you can give more RAM to NIS. On my 32GB servers i give 16GB to NIS, i.e. i have

-Xms16G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200

in the startup script.
Of course 16GB is not needed right nowfor NIS to run stable but if the RAM is available then it would be a waste not to use it ^^

thanks for the advice! is there anything else to improve performance? )


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Is the rewards of round 3081 -3084 payout?After several failures, my node status finally returned to normal:joy:
——yes,I have got the rewords

Hello my alias is "iworks"
I refinanced to replace the VPS of but since I also got a domain, I sent a message with chenge ip to NAFUNDBUKIOSTMD 4 BNXL 7 ZFE 735 QHN 7 A 3 FBS 6 CMY
with change ip to

  • In the line servant vi servant 's line, I entered the domain name without IP. Is it okay for the procedure to be like this?

@BloodyRookie, hello!

and again i have to disturb you and ask for the help.

i set up another node, but it’s already past more than 24 hours but still, i cannot pass the tests.

can you please help me to find a problem? Actually, i think that the problem is not on my side because at least what i’m sure that i use the latest version of NIS and on another hand, for all failed tests there is no expected and reported results.

Thank you in advance for your time and help!

Continuing the discussion from NEM Supernode Rewards Program:

Hello my alias is "iworks"
I refinanced to replace the VPS of SN, but since I also got a domain, I sent a message with chenge ip to NAFUNDBUKIOSTMD4BNXL7ZFE735QHN7A3FBS6CMY
with change ip to

  • In the line servant vi servant 's line, I entered the domain name without IP. Is it okay for the procedure to be like this

The IP of domain ( is,
It is on

The mistake earlier
The IP of domain ( is,
It is on

NIS was booted with the wrong key. the request
shows the delegated public key
The servant also was started with the wrong key
is showing the public key
both have 0 balance.

yes, entering the domain name is good.
But it seem NIS is not up?
not answering.

Edit: I changes the ip to in the database. Please start NIS.

Thank you
I have started NIS now.

:man_facepalming: got ger you! sorry for that!

BloodyRookie, is there a way to check if everything is ok now?

I fixed node config, there was a mistake, extra letter in the end.

and also i checked servant but there is no mistake, everything as it should. please check the screen:

thing is, that now when i check with your method:

i got the correct as i think value for the node.

but still if i use
i get
exactly same value as you got before

i’m not sure if it’s correct

I think you should don´t post such a picture.

why? there are no private keys…

or the image too large?