NEM Supernode Rewards Program

sorry for delay.
I have 6GB memory and I start NIS with 2GB.

Servant was running, at least the process, screen , was still available and had no signs of misbehaviour.

But I restarted the servant which seems to have the problem solved.

Thx for the hint.


I have few problems with supernodes:

1: My first supernode

Works fine and all tests is good but from 22/02 i do not get any rewards.
What does it mean and can you help with it?

And what do mean fields: “from node”, “to node” in bandwidth tab

2: My second node

This node worked fine untill now days and now tests fail because: “Bandwidth”, “Computing power”, “Ping” can you help us to know what we have to check and what it can be a problem because server accessible threw the internet ?

Your node failed tests during rounds 3154-3162, that is why you didn’t get payouts for the node.

Looks like the Servant was not running any more. I see that you have restarted it already.

Hi!)))2 times failed in the “Computing power” section.
How can I solve this problem?
Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter

Plan: G2.8GB



Disk: 160 GB

Term: On-Demand

Transfer: 4096 GB

I usually recommend Nix operating systems. In your case, 18 seconds for the test is very long, probably due to the host being busy. What virtualization is the your vps using? How much RAM do you give to the Servant?

Yes VPS…For more than a month everything worked without problems.

I checked the servant … it was 256m … changed to 2500m
Will this help …?

2500M is too much, not needed. Maybe your provider has some other processes running on the hardware that your vps is using. And sometimes those other processes are using lots of processor power…
I don’t know your provider so i can’t tell how fair he is.

How much is enough? if 2500 is many
Maybe 500-1000?)))

256M is enough, my supernodes don’t have more and they are not failing.


I have upgraded my vps to 8gb memory. How much memory should I assign to JVM? below is the command I used

java -Xms3200M -Xmx3200M -cp “.:./:…/libs/” org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter

with 8GB i would use 5G for NIS i guess, that should be enough for sure. Also would use G1 garbage collector:

java -Xms5G -Xmx5G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+PrintGC -Xloggc:"./gc.txt" -cp “.:./:…/libs/” org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter

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Hi Could you please change the IP of the SN
from - to
I sent a transaction message to the NAFUND address.

Help appreciated

Hi As requested a couple of days ago, could the supernode IP address change to

I have already sent the transaction message via the NanoWallet.

Many thanks

It already is changed. But your node doesn’t seem to be up

Thanks, I think it is working now

Hello @BloodyRookie

We are going to transfer node to another server. We sent message as was requested in instruction and also i’m leaving this message here:

change ip to

Thank you in advance!

Was changed by bot.

roger that! thank you for you confirmation !


Hello! We moved a node to another server yesterday. We did it pretty fast. And after we started NIS and servant on the new machine we passed 2 tests (without interruptions).

But latest test failed:

Is this a normal situation?