NEM Supernode Rewards Program

@all: There were a few misattempts to adjust the ip for some supernodes. I manually adjusted the db. If still something is not as you want you can state it here.

I sent the wrong delegated harvesting public key in the message. How to fix it correctly? my actions?

@andme: send a message from the account you used to enroll to NALICE-PFLZQR-ZGPRIJ-TMJOCP-WDNECX-TNNG7Q-LSG3 stating the correct public key. I will manually fix the db then.

thanks. sent.

@andme: deactivated old db entry and added a new entry with the correct public key.

hmm, Ports are routed, servant is definitely running now. Not sure if it was running before. there was a mistyping in config File…

@teletobi75: seems to be working now.

can you take a look at my node ‘LandofNode’

It’s failed the first 3 times, not sure if I set it up correctly …

Looks like the nis boot key you use is not correct. That is why it is failing all tests where nis is involved.

ok, I’ll double check that.

Is there a quick command line way to verify this is working properly instead of waiting for the FAIL/PASS test?

nope, but in your case the rule is simply to use the same key in nis config and servant config.

OK, double checked the remote private key in both configs and they are correct. Not sure what Im doing wrong, seems like something simple? FAILED the next test …

Then either you need to restart nis or the config file is not used.
Are you using a file?

This weekend i will upgrade the reference NIS to 0.6.77. All nodes with NIS versions prior to 0.6.77 will fail the version test afterwards.

Had to edit the ufw firewall (ubuntu) file - before.rules; to solve the responsiveness issue, as the pings were not going to my node:

allow outbound icmp

-A ufw-before-output -p icmp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -p icmp -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

yes that would be useful and maybe a script to check the syntax of all the config files too.

Good Question.

My teletobi2 191 still fails. The VPS is running on 1 CPU and 1 GB only. Should I double this? Could this help?

1CPU + 1GB is usually enough. Are you running NIS with 768MB heap memory?

I followed Pauls Tutorial 1 by 1. Memory Usage for NIS is limited to 768MB.

hmm…if the node continues to do bad in the computing power test, you could supply the servant log.