With Symbol harvesting node operator takes 25% and harvester 75% (currently it’s around 48XYM for node and 135XYM for harvester).
My proposition is give each user that uses my node additional bonus 12XYM to each harvested block. This will allow you earn even more.
Also each one who will start harvesting on my node will receive 10XYM bonus after week of harvesting (no matter if you will harvest something)
There is no catches. I will earn and you will earn too (just more than on other nodes).
I will send additional rewards each Sunday.
There is 50 slots on this node but if there will be more people keen to use it I will increase it. My offer is valid for 3 months with the possibility of extension.
My node: http://max-node.symbol-main.net:3000
- just start harvesting on it
Example payments:
Symbol Block Explorer - join bonus
Symbol Block Explorer - additional reward for harvested block
- Telegram @maxnodes_symbol
- E-mail: maxnodessymbol@gmail.com