This is a general post to provide some information for the current state of the testing, delivery items expected this week and some discussions that will be started. I’ve seen a few questions in Telegram, Twitter and the Forum so have tried to pull things together in one place. Let me know if anything is missing.
The first one: When Snapshot? still has the same answer so is pointless asking - after the NGL Stress Test is complete, see below for steps to get to that point
A reminder, the process from here is:
- NEMTus Testing event report assessed
- An issues resolved and patch release provided
- NGL Stress Test (will take 2-3 days once it starts)
- A revised launch and snapshot date can be planned (not before mid Feb due to Testnet reset date)
Testnet Progress
The Testnet was reset in mid January and has been under various loads ever since, these include, to my knowledge:
- XEMBook running a load test in the first few days
- NEMTus tool testing for a few days
- NEMTus tool was released and community appear to have been trial running it
- NEMTus formal test event (both the NEMTus private/internal one and the Community one)
- A NEM Hub test from DrCryptos
This has resulted in a Testnet that is now quite heavy in transactions and date, with a variety of community nodes, transactions, NGL nodes etc and is a more representative Mainnet like scenario.
As most people are aware, the NEMTus Community TestFest occurred last week. The testing was very well attended, I saw ~500 people on the youtube live stream alone.
The testing ran for 3-3.5 hours and maintained a strong load all the way through. The network held up well and we are awaiting NEMTus’ write up from the participants who submitted reports during/after the testing.
One issue was found a day before (the “Daoka-Canon” as it has been nicknamed) and reliably reproduced at the end of the stress test. This relates to Github issue 148 which has since been fixed and is now in testing, that testing shoujld conclude later today.
Once we receive the final test report from NEMTus (I believe it will be published publicly at the same time) then we can assess if anything else is an issue or not.
Next Release(s)
We have prepared a patch release, primarily for Core Server, REST and SDKs which includes the issue above and several others. This has passed internal manual testing and is going through automated regression testing which should finish later today/tomorrow morning.
We expect to issue this patch release early this week and it puts in place the platform to resolve Multi-Sig signing and Delegated Harvesting issues in the Wallets.
We may or may not issue a further patch release before the NGL Stress Test, this won’t be known until the NEMTus report is reviewed fully.
The Wallets will also have a release this week, but it will be later in the week - we want to get the Core + REST + SDK fixes out and validate behaviour on the wallet before releasing. This release is expected to include all knowns P1 and most P2 issues on the desktop wallet, a further wallet release may happen before launch depending on what is left outstanding.
We have various conversations/calls for input/information posts coming this week, these are just being reviewed for correctness and will be posted through the week, they include things like:
- The process by which the mainnet Genesis/Nemesis block generation and deployment is being tested
- A new way to validate/review your opted in balances on a copy of Mainnet
- Discussion about early block rewards and harvesting
- How to deploy Supernodes, Early Node Bonus and register VRF/Voting/Remote keys ahead of launch
And no doubt a few more as we go through the process above.