Hello guys,
I’m in the same boat. I’ve organised to transfer from a XEM wallet to XRP last Friday (19th May '17) with Changelly.Com. XEM has been taken away from my XEM account, but Changelly’s system says it hasn’t been received. The first time, I went wrong because I typed a message I made up. I didn’t see that there is one that Changelly advised me to use. It was my first time to deal with the XEM and I did not know about this messaging business. Then I did a test run, it worked. Then I tried the third time. That failed. My wife was talking to me so I got a little distracted, and for some reason, I remember having ticked a box that encrypted the message. That’s I think where the problem is.
I sent Changelly information I got from the wallet/client. Hash ID, Block height, date and time of transaction, accounts sent to and from, etc…
I’m still waiting to resolve transactions that have gone wrong with Changelly. I got the same message that you all got: they’re busy and they’ll get back within 24 hours. It’s been since Saturday, the 20th May. Granted, it was the weekend. But now, Tuesday, I am wondering how long their queue is. I’m getting edgy because the transactions were about thousands and with how quickly the markets are shifting, you want to be able to move funds around.
Personally, I think it is silly that this message field can make or break a transaction especially when you work with many other currencies who only work with one bit of important information (the address). Let’s say if Changelly closes its doors now, where are we supposed to go? We basically lose our money?
I’ve read a lot about how XEM is a good currency but if it is this finicky, incidences like these would scare people from using it at all.
I’ll update you guys if I get to a solution or if I hear from Changelly. Likewise, please update this page so that we are better informed to solve this issue.