Where did my Nem go

Question for the NEM folks…I know it was my mistake but it seems like a lot of folks make the same mistake. Maybe consider changing the UI to make transactions more deliberate? I don’t even think you should have the option to send without explicitly seeing the address you are sending to and having a confirmation as such. Just a suggestion because losing coin is not good and being able to easily inadvertently send your coin with one button click is all to easy.

Oh and by the way awesome that the NEM folks here are very responsive and try to assist. Too bad Changelly and the exchanges customer service doesn’t offer that kind of customer service service, especially when dealing with people’s currency.

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I transfer some XEM to Poloniex. on May 16, and i haven’t seen it deposited to my account. what do i need to do ? thx

Please contact Poloniex support.

one more question how do i view the transaction history to get the TAXid on the NEM wallet for iPhone . i’ve looked all over the app and can’t find it.

@BreezeyVille i have the exact same problem. I deposited NEM on the 17th of May and its says on Poloniex history page Confirmations: 17 of 18 “pending” since 3 days and it doesnt show on my balance.
I opened a support ticket at poloniex providing following infos:

Block 1114668
Hash 3d36220e1d5332fe847326d2ed5c69790bb4f97b176c33c6bf20a9e7a2e24de9

Poloniex answered:
“Please copy and paste the transaction id/hash of the missing transaction, as text, in a reply to this ticket and I will search for it on our wallet.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Best regards,
Poloniex Support”

Since 2 days they haven´t answered anymore.
Can anyone give me some infos of what to do in this situation?

Check out my Changelly issue resolution here (coin back in my wallet):

Except shapeshift doesnt exchange NEM -_-"

Still waiting for Changelly to respond, the timestamp deadline for my transaction is overdue by 3 days and it hasnt been returned to my wallet.

So does the Timestamp deadline feature really work? If it did i wouldve had my NEM back and wouldnt need to contact Changelly support.

The NEM network sees this transaction as valid, the XEM will never be returned to your wallet until Changelly initiates the transaction.

I am not sure how Changelly’s deadline feature works, but I don’t think its automated.

But thats the thing, the transaction wasn’t valid otherwise it would’ve gone through 4 days ago.
Long story short, it was my fault. I pasted the “wallet address” in the “message” field as well, mistakenly.

Personally, from my POV i think if a transaction is stuck in limbo after the deadline, even 2 - 3 days it should be returned to the sender wallet address. Because its essentially a bounced cheque.

Decentralized currency that relies on a central party, kinda defeats the purpose imho.

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I’ve given up trying to fight this. Changelly is not the problem. It’s the
damn Nem wallet. Poorly designed UI without any way to check what you’ve
done before committing.

I’m using Shapeshifter exclusively now, for the smaller alt-coins. They
have a nice feature of having you put in a refund address, which would be
the wallet that you’re sending from. In the event of a failure, for any
reason, your coins are refunded immediately. I checked it by intently
placing an error prone transaction. It was back in my account within
minutes. No fuss, no crappy tech support to deal with. All done

They don’t have Nem, but that’s fine with me. I don’t want to buy coins
without good wallet support. There are too many great coins out there. I’ve
more than made up the $4,000 that I lost using their wallet, with active
trading of other coins.

Good luck everyone.

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I agree, it would be much nicer to have a decentralized exchange option. This is the only one I have seen so far:

I’m sorry you are having issues with the android wallet. The wallet is being worked on, there should be a fix soon.

I suggest using the nanowallet desktop client for storing any XEM long term. I think you will also find it easier to use.

Hello guys,

I’m in the same boat. I’ve organised to transfer from a XEM wallet to XRP last Friday (19th May '17) with Changelly.Com. XEM has been taken away from my XEM account, but Changelly’s system says it hasn’t been received. The first time, I went wrong because I typed a message I made up. I didn’t see that there is one that Changelly advised me to use. It was my first time to deal with the XEM and I did not know about this messaging business. Then I did a test run, it worked. Then I tried the third time. That failed. My wife was talking to me so I got a little distracted, and for some reason, I remember having ticked a box that encrypted the message. That’s I think where the problem is.

I sent Changelly information I got from the wallet/client. Hash ID, Block height, date and time of transaction, accounts sent to and from, etc…

I’m still waiting to resolve transactions that have gone wrong with Changelly. I got the same message that you all got: they’re busy and they’ll get back within 24 hours. It’s been since Saturday, the 20th May. Granted, it was the weekend. But now, Tuesday, I am wondering how long their queue is. I’m getting edgy because the transactions were about thousands and with how quickly the markets are shifting, you want to be able to move funds around.

Personally, I think it is silly that this message field can make or break a transaction especially when you work with many other currencies who only work with one bit of important information (the address). Let’s say if Changelly closes its doors now, where are we supposed to go? We basically lose our money?

I’ve read a lot about how XEM is a good currency but if it is this finicky, incidences like these would scare people from using it at all.

I’ll update you guys if I get to a solution or if I hear from Changelly. Likewise, please update this page so that we are better informed to solve this issue.

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I agree with you edoray about having the coins go back to your account when it does not properly get to its intended destination. Although it makes you wonder why Shapeshift does not add NEM in their cryptos they work with. Perhaps, it is because they also want to avoid having to deal with this requirement of having to work with messages.

I agree. There must be an automatic process of coins going back to your account immediately if something goes wrong with a transaction without having to rely on Changelly.

I’ve said it before; I like Changelly and they weren’t the problem for me
losing thousands of USD. But I much prefer Shapeshifter because of their
refund address, which I’ve tested out and it just works. I still use both,
because some currencies aren’t on one that are available on the other. But
after this mess with Nem, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

I agree Don. But the transaction is not stuck in Limbo. It’s already
disseminated throughout the blockchain.

Hi Luis, I made also the same mistake like you and a lot of others. It’s better to reach changelly on Twitter through Private message. They respond there faster. But don’t be worry you will get yours coins back

So changelly replied back, asked for my wallet address so they could refund me… that was about 2 days ago.

all that info was in the inital ticket, but whatever… no rush i guess -_-