Misha Granin for Vice President (at least for a day, so we all can create NEM Foundation 2.0)

UPDATE December 9, 2018 (Europe: Paris), December 9, 2018 (America: Los Angeles)

I am publishing my elections candidate video quite late, and I’d like to share it with as many people as possible. Please share this video on Telegram groups and other media channels. It is the best help for me:

Please see and share this endorsement video from my old friend Sergey Sergienko (Crhonobank.io):

Thank you Sergey!

Rene from LuxTag, thank you too!

Now with the recent decision of council that I’ve just translated to Russian NEM Foundation Council Elections Announcement we have many chances for real NEM Foundation 2.0

For this to happen please first of all join @Xpedite, me and others and give your vote for candidates who elected by POI vote that happens before elections day:

Please read the content of what I’ve stated in my Candidate Policy Document running for the position of Vice President Foundation below:

ex-NEM Industry Partnership Coordinator

Dear NEM Community, read this even if you are not NEM member eligible for voting on Dec. 10-14th 2018 to be able to vote later. I was born in Russia, but most of my conscious life spent abroad. Now I am blockchain researcher yet Since 1998 I built design studio and several other related businesses that became world leaders in areas like UX design and cryptographic software protection. Since 2006 I have been passionate about decentralization and launched a few pilot projects. I discovered NEM in search for perfect blockchain project in 2015 and since 2016 did research on NEM improvements. I officially worked with Jeff & Albert and others on NEM Foundation since the beginning of 2017. We started from user experience in UX and marketing for NEM site. Then for a year I was NEM Industry Partnership Coordinator speaking and traveling extensively to start over 100 projects like national stock exchanges, pilots in national banks and opening new countries for NEM with conferences and other events, yet focusing on NEM development with my team of over dozen developers and UX designers. Now all of them are applying to work with Foundation and Core devs are reviewing their CV’s, and I’d like to run for NEM position of NEM Foundation Vice President.

I’m submitting this at the last minute, and it may sound like a quick fix, but there are no surprises for me in last days events. I knew too much about NEM Foundation. The best proof of it is that I’ve never received anything from NEM Foundation, no bounties, no salaries, and no 1 million dollar budget part of which was even approved, so I could spend it from my savings, and another proof is that you probably didn’t hear about me and hardly heard about my work with NEM.

I was planning to reveal a long-term business strategy for NEM, yet now let us do our best to fix the current issue first. NEM Foundation 2.0 should happen now, or Core team will be completely right in cutting off its finances and spinning off new organizations to focus on real stuff like development that is not conflicting with foundation.

For NEM Foundation 2.0 to happen community should get control over it in 4 steps:

  1. On December 10-14th all eligible NEM members vote for a list of candidates who promised to run POI elections as soon as Singapore laws allow (let’s assume that it’s possible to run them on the same day - December 14th right after the announcement of elected candidates).
  1. Later on Dec 14th, or as soon as it is possible, the whole community starts POI vote that takes significant time to give a chance for the majority to vote, yet this time should be short enough, so to minimize the risk of POI manipulation.
  1. Right after POI elections, I would like to see a better system then both POI and members voting created and only candidates who state that this is their top priority should be voted for in POI voting (There should be a deadline for this work stated in candidates Policy Documents). As each candidate stated the deadline for new election mechanism, immediately after they are elected, they schedule the nearest possible date of next elections with new “post-POI” voting. Post POI voting may be a higher priority then release of Catapult especially when NIS migrates over to Catapult, and the consensus algorithm may not be the same so POI could be at least for some time replaced. I plan to share my MVP of the new voting system before the election date.
  1. Final elections happen with the goal of creating new policies to protect foundation long term from repeating past mistakes and as much as possible from other risks.

I propose to create a dedicated group of at least half of council members after each election with specific responsibilities in the area of supporting Core devs and even if no one joins I am ready to take responsibility for these goals:

now — roadmap part till Catapult Public Test Net
After POI voting — a full roadmap
After final voting — long-term strategy

Even if it all above seems to you as complete nonsense and you don’t want me to win, vote for me to get respect from hundreds of thousands of people, as you together with them can vote me out in POI voting on December 14th itself or latest in a few days after it. I’ll post about candidates who promise to initiate POI ASAP after elections so you can have a clear list for candidates on telegram NEM chats and channels but do subscribe to https://t.me/NF2_0 just in case they get censored. Please send this to all NEM members you know and to all NEM communication channels. Let’s make NEM DAO again.


You were fired?

@granin Misha my friend!
Go go go! Nice to see your official comeback to NEM!
I always enjoy working with you! Let’s make NEM great again together :hugs:
Always a pleasure looking back to the good efforts we made in Kazachstan and Russia together with you and our brother @klimgeran Klim !

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The guy to my left in the light grey suit is Julian by the way…
He’s applying for council post, too.
Hopefully, we won’t need to choose only one candidate to elect for council but have e.g. six votes to give :slight_smile:

This is his candidacy post: Julian for NEM Council

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I have taken some time away from NEM as an official representative, it was a mutual decision, but I never left and have been still working all this time doing work for NEM that required more focus and less travel, e.g. research on future improvements of NEM consensus algorithm as with scaling POI in it’s current implementation and parameters may be key performance bottleneck.

Thank you, @r3n3! It’s always a great time meeting you in person wether it’s in Russia, Kazakhstan or Southeast Asia. Your role for NEM, even before NEM Foundation is great inspiration and example for me. It would be great if you could share what you see as key principles for VP of NEM Foundation.

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What do you think about integration tools for third party service developers?
I mean mobile wallets, website widgets and so on.

@Brainofmasses became my great friend, thank you both for coming to Kazakhstan that time! We talked with him a few days before candidates announcement. I was so happy to know from Julian that he is going to participate in elections that it inspired me to work toward a vision of coherent team elected for all positions of ExCo and council.

As soon as we get through elections time, it’ll be essential to get back to work we’ve started with him. I’ve discussed with him my vision for web presence of NEM during our trip to Kazakhstan and now after this elections together we can implement a unified multilingual SEO oriented website. With growing interest to blockchain implementations and unusual NEM use cases we can expand our market just by bringing leads for Catapult through SEO only.

Ash Maurya taught me what we need to understand how to prioritize our activities: constraints theory. We will improve each step of the funnel, but if we work the “weakest link” at every point in time, it will maximize the result of our efforts. We already have quite good prototyping options and soon can get it to the vision of @Brainofmasses that I love:
“It should be no harder than loading a phone with an app to get started with your own private chain and connecting it to the public one. Convenience and simplicity is the key to success!”

Well, IMHO, there are these problems with governance. But I’m too tired to write the points down here - perhaps you refer to the recent interview which Cryptodealers did with me recently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5EAhbVvtfY
In general, I think there is/was a certain issue with power hunger from “high above” and the foundation was at times run almost like a company with a CEO at top.
I hope we can bring the foundation towards being a true representation of the interest of all the community and businesses using NEM.

Stay tuned; soon we will have the best user experience of mobile wallet, website widgets etc not only with NEM mosaics support but with essential features of Catapult like aggregate transactions etc.

Here is just a hint of how wallet may look:

I’m sure that I can accomplish the task of making NEM a platform with the best user experience not only in blockchain space but beyond it. Since 1998 my design studio was first to focus on design for software developers and later on blockchain projects. We’ve done work for decades for Top-50 tech with dozens of top designers around the world. So I’ve got some experience, just of example my studio created tens of thousands of icons for Citrix for products that are used by 95% of Fortune500 companies or icon fonts for SAP that got them to receive red-dot.org award, etc.

Of course, as always it’ll be open source and well documented, so you’ll be able to get your customized wallet on users devices in minutes in the form of PWA or as native apps as soon as you get mobile app stores approval.


I agree with you; this is the primary purpose of me running in this elections. I’ve participated in the successful growth of such global organizations to global scale, and know from experience that it is possible to have efficiency together with attention to each voice in the diverse global community.

For me, LuxTag.io’s progress is one of the best things happening in NEM ecosystem. I’m looking forward to further improving our mutual development and efforts, let me know what NEM Foundation can do to help companies like yours.

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what do you mean?

One of most important tools for third party service developers is testnet. I want to take this opportunity of getting attention to critical things now before elections. One of them is what will happen after Catapult release on NEM public chain. We should now start sharing thoughts on what will happen the next moment, after it, without this preparation no migration is possible.
Let’s not touch thought questions like:

  • What will be consensus algorithm?
  • How supernode and harvesting rewards will change?
  • Will we have all past transactions on a new chain?

But first, let’s see what we can do now to provide developers with public test net that will use Catapult. Almost any changes to token economics will work here. Should we take “PoS, adapted from the NXT?” :wink:

@LauraBKK I love reading your thoughts on Catapult on NEM public chain. @jabo38 as the author of so many key features of NEM and person who met more NEM developers than anyone else you probably also could share what developers want from testnet.

What do you think about such features as human readable wallet addresses?
Something like an email addresses with blockchain based translations to the real NEM addresses.

I don’t buy your story. Your instagram and Twitter account show that you have been in Uruguay and Venezuela with the hashtag #Nemtravel. You don’t need to be Sherlock to find out what happened there and after.
You were fired or took apart and now you want be part of the Foundation through the elections with a crazy and nonsense proposal.

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What do you mean - “crazy proposal” and which one is better?

For me, this is a most important feature for global adoption. It was the reason why I first joined all hype around Graphene projects. Now we already have a good foundation for it, see

My vision is as simple as that (I’ll try to be as nontechnical in my language and metaphors as possible until @Jaguar0625 @gimre @BloodyRookie get into conversation :wink: ):

Anyone can deploy Catapult free trial net in a click and then with just one payment for one namespace give access to an unlimited number of users to register their aliases under this namespace. Think of it as if Google would buy Gmail namespace and provide all of us potion to register our NEM addresses under it for free just as we now get emails like maxp@gmail.com from them.

It may sound crazy to get NEM Foundation 2.0 for some people, and that’s ok with me. I see that with such deeply rooted problems we need a radical change and only way to get to get there that I see is what I’ve described, it may sound crazy, and yes, I’ll be happy if we can get to where we want to be in some “more comfortable” way. I don’t exclude an option that whole community will be satisfied all elected candidates right after elections on Dec 14th. I am doing my best for this to happen. I am sure that chances for this are growing each day.

One thing LuxTag needs is more and more of open communication from NEM Foundation on our mutual success. It already happens around our social media channels, but much more is possible. For example, we could publish more content about LuxTag use cases on NEM.io website and blogs, shoot videos of real use of NEM technology, together organize a “NEM developers conference” and share our success of using NEM technology. There is so much more we can do!

Lying on Facebook
Industry Partnership Coordinator · December 23, 2016 to present · Moscow, Russia

Region head for Eastern Europe/CIS countries / strategic partnerships with enterprise and governments around the world

Where is your picture Misha? I can’t find you.

Why are you lying on Linkedin?

Misha Granin - NEM Industry Partnership Coordinator - NEM.io …


Where have you been since you were fired? Why are you coming now all of the sudden? What’s your relation with Klim, the official head of Nem Russia?
Can you explain what happened in South America on January 2018?
What happened in Kazajistán?