I transfered XEM on December 10, 2017 from the Zaif.
However, because I transferred from Zaif with multisig, it is not deposit to the Livecoin.
Transaction details
Block: 1408742
Hash: 436853d89534355d77f2d5c0adb9802a15e6c629da5358e99e96b2667fdb93f7
Sender: nctwkw-gd564g-iqqcz5-x5tc4y-m46vxw-lt3qwd-5nlz
Total Fee: 1.100000 multisig wrapper fee: 0.500000
Timestamp: 2017-12-10 04:50:26 Deadline: 2017-12-10 05:50:26
Signature: c73378b4226b461c92b86512c8df7ec0b2ce52b57e95f0696c3af991f29d93c666e3136f54afdd7258ffab383cf4d51851aea21f71a939f0be3f74edc6293d05
Transfer transaction
Block: 1408742
Hash: bb59675a09cda0fbb5c099e9340daaa51f8d8ff6f824c51994ddd20ce28562da
Sender: nagjg3-qfwyz3-7lmi7i-qpsgqn-yadgsj-zgjrd2-diya
Recipient: ndkidq-ovcgn4-63jusa-uj3ykg-lvvlsz-v3zka4-6jqc
Amount: 4631.000000
Fee: 0.100000
Timestamp: 2017-12-10 04:50:26 Deadline: 2017-12-10 05:50:26
Message: ad4ba0be4c6f713d
Cosignatures: 1
Cosignatory: nbem6s-fohu5p-origav-g3nnji-mcg73r-2tweei-daz5
Timestamp: 2017-12-10 04:51:49
Signature: 9cd9dcbba803e2f9dd56654facadaaaab818eed5a61e2b18efdb70f46580465d558fdf354666377c5fb927a0a348811473a53b32f842a4e538cabe1db4e6c304
This is the reply of livecoin.
Unfortunately, we can not operate with multisig transactions, for this reason, in the deposit form there is a warning "Please don’t send transactions from multisig accounts. We don’t process mosaic transactions and any inner transactions. We process only standard transactions with correct “message” field. (you can get your “message” by pressing deposit button) "
I read a forum of the same situation.
On failure sending even if I wrote accurate address and message. No one help me
I understood desperate, but is there any way to regain my NEM?