The desktop wallet has been updated
Wallets Update and revised plan - future comms will be on the wallet thread not this one and we will report back here with releases
Discussion Threads
We have started three forum discussion threads today:
Post Launch Opt-in
Node Monitoring and SuperNode Rewards Programme
Snapshot Block Height
Snapshot and Launch Process
Summary of Current State
Following todays post regarding snapshot and launch date, here follows a post with more detail around some of the elements involved with launch. Each component in isolation does not present an insurmountable risk but together they push launch back by a critical few days;
Wallets - Desktop wallet has been delivered before and Android wallets will be delivered on the 20th of November - the target date in the recovery plan - a fantastic achievement from the tech team in a very short time frame, given where we were just over 4 weeks ago. While we believe the wallet is complete for release, there is very tight testing time and the extra 1 month soak is expected to produce a more robust product. No new features will be added but bugs will be addressed and patch releases may be provided. There is still some testing required, particularly on the IOS mobile wallet, which we expect to take an extra few days to complete.
Core Server - Some issues were found (Finality and memory usage) and minor new functionality added (IPV6 and some future proofing on block types) . These proved to be a bit harder than initially thought and have introduced a few days delay beyond the comfort threshold of having Testnet patched with at least 1 month soak time remaining. This version of the core code is expected in the week ending 20th Nov so the work below can continue.
REST & SDK - Some of the changes to the Core Server above have minor knock on changes to REST + SDK, additionally some of the Wallet work have identified minor changes required. There is approx 3-4 days work required between the Core Server release and the full release candidate that can be tested prior to the Testnet Patch.
Testnet Patch - The above Core Server release requires a patch of Testnet, this going through final testing but will not be possible to release onto Testnet before the week ending 27th Nov (also requires the item below). This also represented a minor upgrade to the Testnet during the testing period, a process that will happen multiple times on the live Mainnet so it offers a good opportunity to test that process and approach.
Symbol Bootstrap Tool - While it is not required for launch, it has become widely used by some parts of the community and will be expanded to enable the upgrade of an existing node rather than requiring a full rebuild. There are also some security issues that should be resolved prior to using it on anything other than a Dev / Testnet, these will be released in a version as part of the Testnet Patching process
Node Monitoring and Supernode Programme - The additional work required to get the Wallets back on track has meant this has had to be deprioritised temporarily. The work is expected to be complete by late Nov/1st week of Dec. This allows 4-6 weeks of soak on the Testnet prior to launching on Mainnet
Tokenomics Updates - Some minor updates have been identified which will be communicated by Friday 27th November for consultation. These are relatively light in effort but cannot be completed until the snapshot date is known, which this announcement now confirms
Exchanges Supporting Launch
I have added a list of exchanges that have committed publicly to supporting launch
The Symbol Wallet Recovery Plan
A thread is here which shows the process to get wallets back on track by 20th November which resulted in the Desktop Wallet being released 2 days earlier than thought and the mobile wallets coming in on time
15 Dec 2020 - Symbol released, 14th Jan Launch on Target
Wallets have now been released as well for the new testnet
POI Votes Relating to the launch of Symbol
Testnet Issues Updates
This post is to try and collect all the Testnet updates:
- Original Stress Test Discussion/Overview Thread
- Summary of findings Reply to that thread(22/12)
- Jaguar Tweet on Issues found (23/12)
- First update to Stress Test thread after issues found (24/23)
- Second Update on (29/12)
- Third update and delay announcement (30/06)
- My tweet about current state (05/01)
- Fourth update and Testnet Reset Confirmation (06/01)
- Jaguar Tweet about Patch for Issues (08/01)
- Fifth update - patch testing (12/01)
- Symbol Testnet Reset & Release (14-Jan-2021)
- NEM Symbol Release & Testnet Reset (15/01)
- NEM Symbol Release & Testnet Reset (Updated 19/01/2021)
- NEM Symbol Community Stress Test Planned for 28th Jan 2021
- Symbol Launch - General Status Update (01-Feb-2021)
- NEM Symbol Release
- Interim update after Release (04-Feb-2021)
- Update after interim load test (05-Feb-2021: 12:00)
- Update after interim load test (05-Feb-2021: 17:30)
- Symbol Launch - General Status Update (09-Feb-2021)
- Symbol Launch - General Status Update (12-Feb-2021)
- NEM Symbol Release
- NEM Symbol NGL Final Stress Test Plan (15-Feb-2021)
- NEM Symbol NGL Final Stress Test - Interim Results (18-Feb-2021)
- NEM Symbol NGL Final Stress Test - Final Result
- Issue with 14 m-of-n opt-ins
- Symbol Launch and Snapshot Date Confirmed
I will try and update this post as we have new posts and if I have missed any please let me know by DM here or telegram etc
Per David M’s post above:
- Whether to alter tokenomics or not (closes 8th Jan UTC) - Decision to leave unchanged
- What to do with network fees/sink addresses (closes 8th Jan UTC) - Decision to add to Voting payments fund
- Whether to move snapshot (8th Jan) - Decision to move snapshot with launch
February 2021 Discussion Topics
It is necessary to have various conversations, informational posts and general launch topics this month so I will collect them here for easy reference:
Desktop & Mobile Wallet + CLI Release 08 Feb 2021
This includes Ledger functionality for the desktop wallet
Nano Wallet v2.5.0 Release + Ledger Support for NIS1 & Opt In
NEM Symbol Release Announcement (15-Feb-2021)
Symbol Wallets - Desktop (0.14.1) and Mobile (0.4.3) Release - 19-Feb-2021
Symbol Launch Date and Snapshot Height Confirmed
- Snapshot: 12th March 2021
- Snapshot Height: 3,105,500
- Launch: 15th March 2021
Symbol SuperNode Programme on Testnet
Symbol Early & Ecosystem Node Programmes - Enrolment is Open!
Symbol Release
Symbol Desktop Wallet v 0.15.0 released
Allows Mainnet account validations